"use strict"; // Component Definition var KTApp = function() { /** @type {object} colors State colors **/ var settings = {}; var initTooltip = function(el) { var theme = el.data('theme') ? 'tooltip-' + el.data('theme') : ''; var width = el.data('width') == 'auto' ? 'tooltop-auto-width' : ''; var trigger = el.data('trigger') ? el.data('trigger') : 'hover'; $(el).tooltip({ trigger: trigger, template: '' }); } var initTooltips = function() { // init bootstrap tooltips $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').each(function() { initTooltip($(this)); }); } var initPopover = function(el) { var skin = el.data('skin') ? 'popover-' + el.data('skin') : ''; var triggerValue = el.data('trigger') ? el.data('trigger') : 'hover'; el.popover({ trigger: triggerValue, template: '\ ' }); } var initPopovers = function() { // init bootstrap popover $('[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function() { initPopover($(this)); }); } var initFileInput = function() { // init bootstrap popover $('.custom-file-input').on('change', function() { var fileName = $(this).val(); $(this).next('.custom-file-label').addClass("selected").html(fileName); }); } var initScroll = function() { $('[data-scroll="true"]').each(function() { var el = $(this); KTUtil.scrollInit(this, { mobileNativeScroll: true, handleWindowResize: true, rememberPosition: (el.data('remember-position') == 'true' ? true : false), height: function() { if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg') && el.data('mobile-height')) { return el.data('mobile-height'); } else { return el.data('height'); } } }); }); } var initAlerts = function() { // init bootstrap popover $('body').on('click', '[data-close=alert]', function() { $(this).closest('.alert').hide(); }); } var initCard = function(el, options) { // init card tools var el = $(el); var card = new KTCard(el[0], options); } var initCards = function() { // init card tools $('[data-card="true"]').each(function() { var el = $(this); var options = {}; if (el.data('data-card-initialized') !== true) { initCard(el, options); el.data('data-card-initialized', true); } }); } var initStickyCard = function() { if (typeof Sticky === 'undefined') { return; } var sticky = new Sticky('[data-sticky="true"]'); } var initAbsoluteDropdown = function(context) { var dropdownMenu; if (!context) { return; } $('body').on('show.bs.dropdown', context, function(e) { dropdownMenu = $(e.target).find('.dropdown-menu'); $('body').append(dropdownMenu.detach()); dropdownMenu.css('display', 'block'); dropdownMenu.position({ 'my': 'right top', 'at': 'right bottom', 'of': $(e.relatedTarget), }); }).on('hide.bs.dropdown', context, function(e) { $(e.target).append(dropdownMenu.detach()); dropdownMenu.hide(); }); } var initAbsoluteDropdowns = function() { $('body').on('show.bs.dropdown', function(e) { // e.target is always parent (contains toggler and menu) var $toggler = $(e.target).find("[data-attach='body']"); if ($toggler.length === 0) { return; } var $dropdownMenu = $(e.target).find('.dropdown-menu'); // save detached menu var $detachedDropdownMenu = $dropdownMenu.detach(); // save reference to detached menu inside data of toggler $toggler.data('dropdown-menu', $detachedDropdownMenu); $('body').append($detachedDropdownMenu); $detachedDropdownMenu.css('display', 'block'); $detachedDropdownMenu.position({ my: 'right top', at: 'right bottom', of: $(e.relatedTarget), }); }); $('body').on('hide.bs.dropdown', function(e) { var $toggler = $(e.target).find("[data-attach='body']"); if ($toggler.length === 0) { return; } // access to reference of detached menu from data of toggler var $detachedDropdownMenu = $toggler.data('dropdown-menu'); // re-append detached menu inside parent $(e.target).append($detachedDropdownMenu.detach()); // hide dropdown $detachedDropdownMenu.hide(); }); }; return { init: function(settingsArray) { if (settingsArray) { settings = settingsArray; } KTApp.initComponents(); }, initComponents: function() { initScroll(); initTooltips(); initPopovers(); initAlerts(); initFileInput(); initCards(); initStickyCard(); initAbsoluteDropdowns(); }, initTooltips: function() { initTooltips(); }, initTooltip: function(el) { initTooltip(el); }, initPopovers: function() { initPopovers(); }, initPopover: function(el) { initPopover(el); }, initCard: function(el, options) { initCard(el, options); }, initCards: function() { initCards(); }, initSticky: function() { initSticky(); }, initAbsoluteDropdown: function(context) { initAbsoluteDropdown(context); }, block: function(target, options) { var el = $(target); options = $.extend(true, { opacity: 0.05, overlayColor: '#000000', type: '', size: '', state: 'primary', centerX: true, centerY: true, message: '', shadow: true, width: 'auto' }, options); var html; var version = options.type ? 'spinner-' + options.type : ''; var state = options.state ? 'spinner-' + options.state : ''; var size = options.size ? 'spinner-' + options.size : ''; var spinner = ' 0) { var classes = 'blockui ' + (options.shadow === false ? 'blockui' : ''); html = '
' + options.message + '' + spinner + '
'; var el = document.createElement('div'); $('body').prepend(el); KTUtil.addClass(el, classes); el.innerHTML = html; options.width = KTUtil.actualWidth(el) + 10; KTUtil.remove(el); if (target == 'body') { html = '
' + options.message + '' + spinner + '
'; } } else { html = spinner; } var params = { message: html, centerY: options.centerY, centerX: options.centerX, css: { top: '30%', left: '50%', border: '0', padding: '0', backgroundColor: 'none', width: options.width }, overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: options.overlayColor, opacity: options.opacity, cursor: 'wait', zIndex: (target == 'body' ? 1100 : 10) }, onUnblock: function() { if (el && el[0]) { KTUtil.css(el[0], 'position', ''); KTUtil.css(el[0], 'zoom', ''); } } }; if (target == 'body') { params.css.top = '50%'; $.blockUI(params); } else { var el = $(target); el.block(params); } }, unblock: function(target) { if (target && target != 'body') { $(target).unblock(); } else { $.unblockUI(); } }, blockPage: function(options) { return KTApp.block('body', options); }, unblockPage: function() { return KTApp.unblock('body'); }, getSettings: function() { return settings; } }; }(); // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTApp; } // Initialize KTApp class on document ready $(document).ready(function() { KTApp.init(KTAppSettings); }); "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTCard = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { toggleSpeed: 400, sticky: { releseOnReverse: false, offset: 300, zIndex: 101 } }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Construct */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('card')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('card'); } else { // reset menu Plugin.init(options); // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('card', the); } return the; }, /** * Init card */ init: function(options) { the.element = element; the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); the.header = KTUtil.child(element, '.card-header'); the.footer = KTUtil.child(element, '.card-footer'); if (KTUtil.child(element, '.card-body')) { the.body = KTUtil.child(element, '.card-body'); } else if (KTUtil.child(element, '.form')) { the.body = KTUtil.child(element, '.form'); } }, /** * Build Form Wizard */ build: function() { // Remove var remove = KTUtil.find(the.header, '[data-card-tool=remove]'); if (remove) { KTUtil.addEvent(remove, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.remove(); }); } // Reload var reload = KTUtil.find(the.header, '[data-card-tool=reload]'); if (reload) { KTUtil.addEvent(reload, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.reload(); }); } // Toggle var toggle = KTUtil.find(the.header, '[data-card-tool=toggle]'); if (toggle) { KTUtil.addEvent(toggle, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.toggle(); }); } }, /** * Enable stickt mode */ initSticky: function() { var lastScrollTop = 0; var offset = the.options.sticky.offset; if (!the.header) { return; } window.addEventListener('scroll', Plugin.onScrollSticky); }, /** * Window scroll handle event for sticky card */ onScrollSticky: function(e) { var offset = the.options.sticky.offset; if(isNaN(offset)) return; var st = KTUtil.getScrollTop(); if (st >= offset && KTUtil.hasClass(body, 'card-sticky-on') === false) { Plugin.eventTrigger('stickyOn'); KTUtil.addClass(body, 'card-sticky-on'); Plugin.updateSticky(); } else if ((st*1.5) <= offset && KTUtil.hasClass(body, 'card-sticky-on')) { // Back scroll mode Plugin.eventTrigger('stickyOff'); KTUtil.removeClass(body, 'card-sticky-on'); Plugin.resetSticky(); } }, updateSticky: function() { if (!the.header) { return; } var top; if (KTUtil.hasClass(body, 'card-sticky-on')) { if (the.options.sticky.position.top instanceof Function) { top = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.top.call(this, the)); } else { top = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.top); } var left; if (the.options.sticky.position.left instanceof Function) { left = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.left.call(this, the)); } else { left = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.left); } var right; if (the.options.sticky.position.right instanceof Function) { right = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.right.call(this, the)); } else { right = parseInt(the.options.sticky.position.right); } KTUtil.css(the.header, 'z-index', the.options.sticky.zIndex); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'top', top + 'px'); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'left', left + 'px'); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'right', right + 'px'); } }, resetSticky: function() { if (!the.header) { return; } if (KTUtil.hasClass(body, 'card-sticky-on') === false) { KTUtil.css(the.header, 'z-index', ''); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'top', ''); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'left', ''); KTUtil.css(the.header, 'right', ''); } }, /** * Remove card */ remove: function() { if (Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeRemove') === false) { return; } KTUtil.remove(element); Plugin.eventTrigger('afterRemove'); }, /** * Set content */ setContent: function(html) { if (html) { the.body.innerHTML = html; } }, /** * Get body */ getBody: function() { return the.body; }, /** * Get self */ getSelf: function() { return element; }, /** * Reload */ reload: function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('reload'); }, /** * Toggle */ toggle: function() { if (KTUtil.hasClass(element, 'card-collapse') || KTUtil.hasClass(element, 'card-collapsed')) { Plugin.expand(); } else { Plugin.collapse(); } }, /** * Collapse */ collapse: function() { if (Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeCollapse') === false) { return; } KTUtil.slideUp(the.body, the.options.toggleSpeed, function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('afterCollapse'); }); KTUtil.addClass(element, 'card-collapse'); }, /** * Expand */ expand: function() { if (Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeExpand') === false) { return; } KTUtil.slideDown(the.body, the.options.toggleSpeed, function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('afterExpand'); }); KTUtil.removeClass(element, 'card-collapse'); KTUtil.removeClass(element, 'card-collapsed'); }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name) { //KTUtil.triggerCustomEvent(name); for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); return the; } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Remove card */ the.remove = function() { return Plugin.remove(html); }; /** * Init sticky card */ the.initSticky = function() { return Plugin.initSticky(); }; /** * Rerender sticky layout */ the.updateSticky = function() { return Plugin.updateSticky(); }; /** * Reset the sticky */ the.resetSticky = function() { return Plugin.resetSticky(); }; /** * Destroy sticky card */ the.destroySticky = function() { Plugin.resetSticky(); window.removeEventListener('scroll', Plugin.onScrollSticky); }; /** * Reload card */ the.reload = function() { return Plugin.reload(); }; /** * Set card content */ the.setContent = function(html) { return Plugin.setContent(html); }; /** * Toggle card */ the.toggle = function() { return Plugin.toggle(); }; /** * Collapse card */ the.collapse = function() { return Plugin.collapse(); }; /** * Expand card */ the.expand = function() { return Plugin.expand(); }; /** * Get cardbody * @returns {jQuery} */ the.getBody = function() { return Plugin.getBody(); }; /** * Get cardbody * @returns {jQuery} */ the.getSelf = function() { return Plugin.getSelf(); }; /** * Attach event */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; // Construct plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTCard; } "use strict"; // DOCS: https://javascript.info/cookie // Component Definition var KTCookie = function() { return { // returns the cookie with the given name, // or undefined if not found getCookie: function(name) { var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp( "(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)" )); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined; }, // Please note that a cookie value is encoded, // so getCookie uses a built-in decodeURIComponent function to decode it. setCookie: function(name, value, options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } options = Object.assign({}, {path: '/'}, options); if (options.expires instanceof Date) { options.expires = options.expires.toUTCString(); } var updatedCookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value); for (var optionKey in options) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(optionKey)) { continue; } updatedCookie += "; " + optionKey; var optionValue = options[optionKey]; if (optionValue !== true) { updatedCookie += "=" + optionValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; }, // To delete a cookie, we can call it with a negative expiration date: deleteCookie: function(name) { setCookie(name, "", { 'max-age': -1 }) } } }(); // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTCookie; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTDialog = function(options) { // Main object var the = this; // Get element object var element; var body = KTUtil.getBody(); // Default options var defaultOptions = { 'placement' : 'top center', 'type' : 'loader', 'width' : 100, 'state' : 'default', 'message' : 'Loading...' }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Construct */ construct: function(options) { Plugin.init(options); return the; }, /** * Handles subtoggle click toggle */ init: function(options) { the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); the.state = false; }, /** * Show dialog */ show: function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('show'); element = document.createElement("DIV"); KTUtil.setHTML(element, the.options.message); KTUtil.addClass(element, 'dialog dialog-shown'); KTUtil.addClass(element, 'dialog-' + the.options.state); KTUtil.addClass(element, 'dialog-' + the.options.type); if (the.options.placement == 'top center') { KTUtil.addClass(element, 'dialog-top-center'); } body.appendChild(element); the.state = 'shown'; Plugin.eventTrigger('shown'); return the; }, /** * Hide dialog */ hide: function() { if (element) { Plugin.eventTrigger('hide'); element.remove(); the.state = 'hidden'; Plugin.eventTrigger('hidden'); } return the; }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); return the; } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Check shown state */ the.shown = function() { return the.state == 'shown'; }; /** * Check hidden state */ the.hidden = function() { return the.state == 'hidden'; }; /** * Show dialog */ the.show = function() { return Plugin.show(); }; /** * Hide dialog */ the.hide = function() { return Plugin.hide(); }; /** * Attach event * @returns {KTToggle} */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once * @returns {KTToggle} */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; // Construct plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTDialog; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTHeader = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (element === undefined) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { offset: { desktop: true, tabletAndMobile: true }, releseOnReverse: { desktop: false, tabletAndMobile: false } }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Run plugin * @returns {KTHeader} */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('header')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('header'); } else { // reset header Plugin.init(options); // build header Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('header', the); } return the; }, /** * Handles subheader click toggle * @returns {KTHeader} */ init: function(options) { the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); }, /** * Reset header * @returns {KTHeader} */ build: function() { var eventTriggerState = true; var lastScrollTop = 0; window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { var offset = 0, st, attrName; if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg') && the.options.offset.tabletAndMobile === false) { return; } if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') && the.options.offset.desktop === false) { return; } if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg')) { offset = the.options.offset.desktop; } else if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg')) { offset = the.options.offset.tabletAndMobile; } st = KTUtil.getScrollTop(); if ( (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg') && the.options.releseOnReverse.tabletAndMobile) || (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') && the.options.releseOnReverse.desktop) ) { if (st > offset && lastScrollTop < st) { // down scroll mode if (body.hasAttribute('data-header-scroll') === false) { body.setAttribute('data-header-scroll', 'on'); } if (eventTriggerState) { Plugin.eventTrigger('scrollOn', the); eventTriggerState = false; } } else { // back scroll mode if (body.hasAttribute('data-header-scroll') === true) { body.removeAttribute('data-header-scroll'); } if (eventTriggerState == false) { Plugin.eventTrigger('scrollOff', the); eventTriggerState = true; } } lastScrollTop = st; } else { if (st > offset) { // down scroll mode if (body.hasAttribute('data-header-scroll') === false) { body.setAttribute('data-header-scroll', 'on'); } if (eventTriggerState) { Plugin.eventTrigger('scrollOn', the); eventTriggerState = false; } } else { // back scroll mode if (body.hasAttribute('data-header-scroll') === true) { body.removeAttribute('data-header-scroll'); } if (eventTriggerState == false) { Plugin.eventTrigger('scrollOff', the); eventTriggerState = true; } } } }); }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name, args) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Register event */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /////////////////////////////// // ** Plugin Construction ** // /////////////////////////////// // Run plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); // Init done init = true; // Return plugin instance return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTHeader; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTImageInput = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { editMode: false }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Construct */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('imageinput')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('imageinput'); } else { // reset menu Plugin.init(options); // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('imageinput', the); } return the; }, /** * Init avatar */ init: function(options) { the.element = element; the.events = []; the.input = KTUtil.find(element, 'input[type="file"]'); the.wrapper = KTUtil.find(element, '.image-input-wrapper'); the.cancel = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-action="cancel"]'); the.remove = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-action="remove"]'); the.src = KTUtil.css(the.wrapper, 'backgroundImage'); the.hidden = KTUtil.find(element, 'input[type="hidden"]'); // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); }, /** * Build */ build: function() { // Handle change KTUtil.addEvent(the.input, 'change', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (the.input && the.input.files && the.input.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { KTUtil.css(the.wrapper, 'background-image', 'url('+e.target.result +')'); } reader.readAsDataURL(the.input.files[0]); KTUtil.addClass(the.element, 'image-input-changed'); KTUtil.removeClass(the.element, 'image-input-empty'); // Fire change event Plugin.eventTrigger('change'); } }); // Handle cancel KTUtil.addEvent(the.cancel, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Fire cancel event Plugin.eventTrigger('cancel'); KTUtil.removeClass(the.element, 'image-input-changed'); KTUtil.removeClass(the.element, 'image-input-empty'); KTUtil.css(the.wrapper, 'background-image', the.src); the.input.value = ""; if (the.hidden) { the.hidden.value = "0"; } }); // Handle remove KTUtil.addEvent(the.remove, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Fire cancel event Plugin.eventTrigger('remove'); KTUtil.removeClass(the.element, 'image-input-changed'); KTUtil.addClass(the.element, 'image-input-empty'); KTUtil.css(the.wrapper, 'background-image', "none"); the.input.value = ""; if (the.hidden) { the.hidden.value = "1"; } }); }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name) { //KTUtil.triggerCustomEvent(name); for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); return the; } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Attach event */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; // Construct plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTImageInput; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTMenu = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { // scrollable area with Perfect Scroll scroll: { rememberPosition: false }, // accordion submenu mode accordion: { slideSpeed: 200, // accordion toggle slide speed in milliseconds autoScroll: false, // enable auto scrolling(focus) to the clicked menu item autoScrollSpeed: 1200, expandAll: true // allow having multiple expanded accordions in the menu }, // dropdown submenu mode dropdown: { timeout: 500 // timeout in milliseconds to show and hide the hoverable submenu dropdown } }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Run plugin * @returns {KTMenu} */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('menu')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('menu'); } else { // reset menu Plugin.init(options); // reset menu Plugin.reset(); // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('menu', the); } return the; }, /** * Handles submenu click toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ init: function(options) { the.events = []; the.eventHandlers = {}; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); // pause menu the.pauseDropdownHoverTime = 0; the.uid = KTUtil.getUniqueID(); }, update: function(options) { // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); // pause menu the.pauseDropdownHoverTime = 0; // reset menu Plugin.reset(); the.eventHandlers = {}; // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('menu', the); }, reload: function() { // reset menu Plugin.reset(); // build menu Plugin.build(); // reset submenu props Plugin.resetSubmenuProps(); }, /** * Reset menu * @returns {KTMenu} */ build: function() { // General accordion submenu toggle the.eventHandlers['event_1'] = KTUtil.on( element, '.menu-toggle', 'click', Plugin.handleSubmenuAccordion); // Dropdown mode(hoverable) if (Plugin.getSubmenuMode() === 'dropdown' || Plugin.isConditionalSubmenuDropdown()) { // dropdown submenu - hover toggle the.eventHandlers['event_2'] = KTUtil.on( element, '[data-menu-toggle="hover"]', 'mouseover', Plugin.handleSubmenuDrodownHoverEnter); the.eventHandlers['event_3'] = KTUtil.on( element, '[data-menu-toggle="hover"]', 'mouseout', Plugin.handleSubmenuDrodownHoverExit); // dropdown submenu - click toggle the.eventHandlers['event_4'] = KTUtil.on( element, '[data-menu-toggle="click"] > .menu-toggle, [data-menu-toggle="click"] > .menu-link .menu-toggle', 'click', Plugin.handleSubmenuDropdownClick); the.eventHandlers['event_5'] = KTUtil.on( element, '[data-menu-toggle="tab"] > .menu-toggle, [data-menu-toggle="tab"] > .menu-link .menu-toggle', 'click', Plugin.handleSubmenuDropdownTabClick); } // Handle general link click the.eventHandlers['event_6'] = KTUtil.on(element, '.menu-item > .menu-link:not(.menu-toggle):not(.menu-link-toggle-skip)', 'click', Plugin.handleLinkClick); // Init scrollable menu if (the.options.scroll && the.options.scroll.height) { Plugin.scrollInit(); } }, /** * Reset menu * @returns {KTMenu} */ reset: function() { KTUtil.off( element, 'click', the.eventHandlers['event_1']); // dropdown submenu - hover toggle KTUtil.off( element, 'mouseover', the.eventHandlers['event_2']); KTUtil.off( element, 'mouseout', the.eventHandlers['event_3']); // dropdown submenu - click toggle KTUtil.off( element, 'click', the.eventHandlers['event_4']); KTUtil.off( element, 'click', the.eventHandlers['event_5']); // handle link click KTUtil.off(element, 'click', the.eventHandlers['event_6']); }, /** * Init scroll menu * */ scrollInit: function() { if ( the.options.scroll && the.options.scroll.height ) { KTUtil.scrollDestroy(element, true); KTUtil.scrollInit(element, {mobileNativeScroll: true, windowScroll: false, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: the.options.scroll.height, rememberPosition: the.options.scroll.rememberPosition}); } else { KTUtil.scrollDestroy(element, true); } }, /** * Update scroll menu */ scrollUpdate: function() { if ( the.options.scroll && the.options.scroll.height ) { KTUtil.scrollUpdate(element); } }, /** * Scroll top */ scrollTop: function() { if ( the.options.scroll && the.options.scroll.height ) { KTUtil.scrollTop(element); } }, /** * Get submenu mode for current breakpoint and menu state * @returns {KTMenu} */ getSubmenuMode: function(el) { if ( KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') ) { if (el && KTUtil.hasAttr(el, 'data-menu-toggle') && KTUtil.attr(el, 'data-menu-toggle') == 'hover') { return 'dropdown'; } if ( KTUtil.isset(the.options.submenu, 'desktop.state.body') ) { if ( KTUtil.hasClasses(body, the.options.submenu.desktop.state.body) ) { return the.options.submenu.desktop.state.mode; } else { return the.options.submenu.desktop.default; } } else if ( KTUtil.isset(the.options.submenu, 'desktop') ) { return the.options.submenu.desktop; } } else if ( KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('md') && KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg') && KTUtil.isset(the.options.submenu, 'tablet') ) { return the.options.submenu.tablet; } else if ( KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('md') && KTUtil.isset(the.options.submenu, 'mobile') ) { return the.options.submenu.mobile; } else { return false; } }, /** * Get submenu mode for current breakpoint and menu state * @returns {KTMenu} */ isConditionalSubmenuDropdown: function() { if ( KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') && KTUtil.isset(the.options.submenu, 'desktop.state.body') ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Reset submenu attributes * @returns {KTMenu} */ resetSubmenuProps: function(e) { var submenus = KTUtil.findAll(element, '.menu-submenu'); if ( submenus ) { for (var i = 0, len = submenus.length; i < len; i++) { var submenu = submenus[0]; KTUtil.css(submenu, 'display', ''); KTUtil.css(submenu, 'overflow', ''); if (submenu.hasAttribute('data-hor-direction')) { KTUtil.removeClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-left'); KTUtil.removeClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-right'); KTUtil.addClass(submenu, submenu.getAttribute('data-hor-direction')); } } } }, /** * Handles submenu hover toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuDrodownHoverEnter: function(e) { if ( Plugin.getSubmenuMode(this) === 'accordion' ) { return; } if ( the.resumeDropdownHover() === false ) { return; } var item = this; if ( item.getAttribute('data-hover') == '1' ) { item.removeAttribute('data-hover'); clearTimeout( item.getAttribute('data-timeout') ); item.removeAttribute('data-timeout'); } Plugin.showSubmenuDropdown(item); }, /** * Handles submenu hover toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuDrodownHoverExit: function(e) { if ( the.resumeDropdownHover() === false ) { return; } if ( Plugin.getSubmenuMode(this) === 'accordion' ) { return; } var item = this; var time = the.options.dropdown.timeout; var timeout = setTimeout(function() { if ( item.getAttribute('data-hover') == '1' ) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(item, true); } }, time); item.setAttribute('data-hover', '1'); item.setAttribute('data-timeout', timeout); }, /** * Handles submenu click toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuDropdownClick: function(e) { if ( Plugin.getSubmenuMode(this) === 'accordion' ) { return; } var item = this.closest('.menu-item'); // Trigger click event handlers var result = Plugin.eventTrigger('submenuToggle', this, e); if (result === false) { return; } if ( item.getAttribute('data-menu-submenu-mode') == 'accordion' ) { return; } if ( KTUtil.hasClass(item, 'menu-item-hover') === false ) { KTUtil.addClass(item, 'menu-item-open-dropdown'); Plugin.showSubmenuDropdown(item); } else { KTUtil.removeClass(item, 'menu-item-open-dropdown' ); Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(item, true); } e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Handles tab click toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuDropdownTabClick: function(e) { if (Plugin.getSubmenuMode(this) === 'accordion') { return; } var item = this.closest('.menu-item'); // Trigger click event handlers var result = Plugin.eventTrigger('submenuToggle', this, e); if (result === false) { return; } if (item.getAttribute('data-menu-submenu-mode') == 'accordion') { return; } if (KTUtil.hasClass(item, 'menu-item-hover') == false) { KTUtil.addClass(item, 'menu-item-open-dropdown'); Plugin.showSubmenuDropdown(item); } e.preventDefault(); }, /** * Handles link click * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleLinkClick: function(e) { var submenu = this.closest('.menu-item.menu-item-submenu'); // Trigger click event handlers var result = Plugin.eventTrigger('linkClick', this, e); if (result === false) { return; } if ( submenu && Plugin.getSubmenuMode(submenu) === 'dropdown' ) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdowns(); } }, /** * Handles submenu dropdown close on link click * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuDropdownClose: function(e, el) { // exit if its not submenu dropdown mode if (Plugin.getSubmenuMode(el) === 'accordion') { return; } var shown = element.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.menu-item-submenu.menu-item-hover:not(.menu-item-tabs)'); // check if currently clicked link's parent item ha if (shown.length > 0 && KTUtil.hasClass(el, 'menu-toggle') === false && el.querySelectorAll('.menu-toggle').length === 0) { // close opened dropdown menus for (var i = 0, len = shown.length; i < len; i++) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(shown[0], true); } } }, /** * helper functions * @returns {KTMenu} */ handleSubmenuAccordion: function(e, el) { var query; var item = el ? el : this; // Trigger click event handlers var result = Plugin.eventTrigger('submenuToggle', this, e); if (result === false) { return; } if ( Plugin.getSubmenuMode(el) === 'dropdown' && (query = item.closest('.menu-item') ) ) { if (query.getAttribute('data-menu-submenu-mode') != 'accordion' ) { e.preventDefault(); return; } } var li = item.closest('.menu-item'); var submenu = KTUtil.child(li, '.menu-submenu, .menu-inner'); if (KTUtil.hasClass(item.closest('.menu-item'), 'menu-item-open-always')) { return; } if ( li && submenu ) { e.preventDefault(); var speed = the.options.accordion.slideSpeed; var hasClosables = false; if ( KTUtil.hasClass(li, 'menu-item-open') === false ) { // hide other accordions if ( the.options.accordion.expandAll === false ) { var subnav = item.closest('.menu-nav, .menu-subnav'); var closables = KTUtil.children(subnav, '.menu-item.menu-item-open.menu-item-submenu:not(.menu-item-here):not(.menu-item-open-always)'); if ( subnav && closables ) { for (var i = 0, len = closables.length; i < len; i++) { var el_ = closables[0]; var submenu_ = KTUtil.child(el_, '.menu-submenu'); if ( submenu_ ) { KTUtil.slideUp(submenu_, speed, function() { Plugin.scrollUpdate(); KTUtil.removeClass(el_, 'menu-item-open'); }); } } } } KTUtil.slideDown(submenu, speed, function() { Plugin.scrollToItem(item); Plugin.scrollUpdate(); Plugin.eventTrigger('submenuToggle', submenu, e); }); KTUtil.addClass(li, 'menu-item-open'); } else { KTUtil.slideUp(submenu, speed, function() { Plugin.scrollToItem(item); Plugin.eventTrigger('submenuToggle', submenu, e); }); KTUtil.removeClass(li, 'menu-item-open'); } } }, /** * scroll to item function * @returns {KTMenu} */ scrollToItem: function(item) { // handle auto scroll for accordion submenus if ( KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') && the.options.accordion.autoScroll && element.getAttribute('data-menu-scroll') !== '1' ) { KTUtil.scrollTo(item, the.options.accordion.autoScrollSpeed); } }, /** * Hide submenu dropdown * @returns {KTMenu} */ hideSubmenuDropdown: function(item, classAlso) { // remove submenu activation class if ( classAlso ) { KTUtil.removeClass(item, 'menu-item-hover'); KTUtil.removeClass(item, 'menu-item-active-tab'); } // clear timeout item.removeAttribute('data-hover'); if ( item.getAttribute('data-menu-toggle-class') ) { KTUtil.removeClass(body, item.getAttribute('data-menu-toggle-class')); } var timeout = item.getAttribute('data-timeout'); item.removeAttribute('data-timeout'); clearTimeout(timeout); }, /** * Hide submenu dropdowns * @returns {KTMenu} */ hideSubmenuDropdowns: function() { var items; if ( items = element.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-submenu.menu-item-hover:not(.menu-item-tabs):not([data-menu-toggle="tab"])') ) { for (var j = 0, cnt = items.length; j < cnt; j++) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(items[j], true); } } }, /** * helper functions * @returns {KTMenu} */ showSubmenuDropdown: function(item) { // close active submenus var list = element.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-submenu.menu-item-hover, .menu-item-submenu.menu-item-active-tab'); if ( list ) { for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { var el = list[i]; if ( item !== el && el.contains(item) === false && item.contains(el) === false ) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(el, true); } } } // add submenu activation class KTUtil.addClass(item, 'menu-item-hover'); // Change the alignment of submenu is offscreen. var submenu = KTUtil.find(item, '.menu-submenu'); if (submenu && submenu.hasAttribute('data-hor-direction') === false) { if (KTUtil.hasClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-left')) { submenu.setAttribute('data-hor-direction', 'menu-submenu-left'); } else if (KTUtil.hasClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-right')) { submenu.setAttribute('data-hor-direction', 'menu-submenu-right'); } } if ( submenu && KTUtil.isOffscreen(submenu, 'left', 15) === true ) { KTUtil.removeClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-left'); KTUtil.addClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-right'); } else if ( submenu && KTUtil.isOffscreen(submenu, 'right', 15) === true ) { KTUtil.removeClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-right'); KTUtil.addClass(submenu, 'menu-submenu-left'); } if ( item.getAttribute('data-menu-toggle-class') ) { KTUtil.addClass(body, item.getAttribute('data-menu-toggle-class')); } }, /** * Handles submenu slide toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ createSubmenuDropdownClickDropoff: function(el) { var query; var zIndex = (query = KTUtil.child(el, '.menu-submenu') ? KTUtil.css(query, 'z-index') : 0) - 1; var dropoff = document.createElement(''); body.appendChild(dropoff); KTUtil.addEvent(dropoff, 'click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); KTUtil.remove(this); Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(el, true); }); }, /** * Handles submenu hover toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ pauseDropdownHover: function(time) { var date = new Date(); the.pauseDropdownHoverTime = date.getTime() + time; }, /** * Handles submenu hover toggle * @returns {KTMenu} */ resumeDropdownHover: function() { var date = new Date(); return (date.getTime() > the.pauseDropdownHoverTime ? true : false); }, /** * Reset menu's current active item * @returns {KTMenu} */ resetActiveItem: function(item) { var list; var parents; list = element.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-active'); for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { var el = list[0]; KTUtil.removeClass(el, 'menu-item-active'); KTUtil.hide( KTUtil.child(el, '.menu-submenu') ); parents = KTUtil.parents(el, '.menu-item-submenu') || []; for (var i_ = 0, len_ = parents.length; i_ < len_; i_++) { var el_ = parents[i]; KTUtil.removeClass(el_, 'menu-item-open'); KTUtil.hide( KTUtil.child(el_, '.menu-submenu') ); } } // close open submenus if ( the.options.accordion.expandAll === false ) { if ( list = element.querySelectorAll('.menu-item-open') ) { for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { KTUtil.removeClass(parents[0], 'menu-item-open'); } } } }, /** * Sets menu's active item * @returns {KTMenu} */ setActiveItem: function(item) { // reset current active item Plugin.resetActiveItem(); var parents = KTUtil.parents(item, '.menu-item-submenu') || []; for (var i = 0, len = parents.length; i < len; i++) { KTUtil.addClass(parents[i], 'menu-item-open'); } KTUtil.addClass(item, 'menu-item-active'); }, /** * Returns page breadcrumbs for the menu's active item * @returns {KTMenu} */ getBreadcrumbs: function(item) { var query; var breadcrumbs = []; var link = KTUtil.child(item, '.menu-link'); breadcrumbs.push({ text: (query = KTUtil.child(link, '.menu-text') ? query.innerHTML : ''), title: link.getAttribute('title'), href: link.getAttribute('href') }); var parents = KTUtil.parents(item, '.menu-item-submenu'); for (var i = 0, len = parents.length; i < len; i++) { var submenuLink = KTUtil.child(parents[i], '.menu-link'); breadcrumbs.push({ text: (query = KTUtil.child(submenuLink, '.menu-text') ? query.innerHTML : ''), title: submenuLink.getAttribute('title'), href: submenuLink.getAttribute('href') }); } return breadcrumbs.reverse(); }, /** * Returns page title for the menu's active item * @returns {KTMenu} */ getPageTitle: function(item) { var query; return (query = KTUtil.child(item, '.menu-text') ? query.innerHTML : ''); }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name, target, e) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++ ) { var event = the.events[i]; if ( event.name == name ) { if ( event.one == true ) { if ( event.fired == false ) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, target, e); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, target, e); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); }, removeEvent: function(name) { if (the.events[name]) { delete the.events[name]; } } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Update scroll */ the.scrollUpdate = function() { return Plugin.scrollUpdate(); }; /** * Re-init scroll */ the.scrollReInit = function() { return Plugin.scrollInit(); }; /** * Scroll top */ the.scrollTop = function() { return Plugin.scrollTop(); }; /** * Set active menu item */ the.setActiveItem = function(item) { return Plugin.setActiveItem(item); }; the.reload = function() { return Plugin.reload(); }; the.update = function(options) { return Plugin.update(options); }; /** * Set breadcrumb for menu item */ the.getBreadcrumbs = function(item) { return Plugin.getBreadcrumbs(item); }; /** * Set page title for menu item */ the.getPageTitle = function(item) { return Plugin.getPageTitle(item); }; /** * Get submenu mode */ the.getSubmenuMode = function(el) { return Plugin.getSubmenuMode(el); }; /** * Hide dropdown * @returns {Object} */ the.hideDropdown = function(item) { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdown(item, true); }; /** * Hide dropdowns * @returns {Object} */ the.hideDropdowns = function() { Plugin.hideSubmenuDropdowns(); }; /** * Disable menu for given time * @returns {Object} */ the.pauseDropdownHover = function(time) { Plugin.pauseDropdownHover(time); }; /** * Disable menu for given time * @returns {Object} */ the.resumeDropdownHover = function() { return Plugin.resumeDropdownHover(); }; /** * Register event */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; the.off = function(name) { return Plugin.removeEvent(name); }; the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; /////////////////////////////// // ** Plugin Construction ** // /////////////////////////////// // Run plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); // Handle plugin on window resize KTUtil.addResizeHandler(function() { if (init) { the.reload(); } }); // Init done init = true; // Return plugin instance return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTMenu; } // Plugin global lazy initialization document.addEventListener("click", function (e) { var body = KTUtil.getByTagName('body')[0]; var query; if ( query = body.querySelectorAll('.menu-nav .menu-item.menu-item-submenu.menu-item-hover:not(.menu-item-tabs)[data-menu-toggle="click"]') ) { for (var i = 0, len = query.length; i < len; i++) { var element = query[i].closest('.menu-nav').parentNode; if ( element ) { var the = KTUtil.data(element).get('menu'); if ( !the ) { break; } if ( !the || the.getSubmenuMode() !== 'dropdown' ) { break; } if ( e.target !== element && element.contains(e.target) === false ) { the.hideDropdowns(); } } } } }); "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTOffcanvas = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { attrCustom: '' }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('offcanvas')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('offcanvas'); } else { // Reset offcanvas Plugin.init(options); // Build offcanvas Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('offcanvas', the); } return the; }, init: function(options) { the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); the.classBase = the.options.baseClass; the.attrCustom = the.options.attrCustom; the.classShown = the.classBase + '-on'; the.classOverlay = the.classBase + '-overlay'; the.target; the.state = KTUtil.hasClass(element, the.classShown) ? 'shown' : 'hidden'; }, build: function() { // offcanvas toggle if (the.options.toggleBy) { if (typeof the.options.toggleBy === 'string') { KTUtil.addEvent(KTUtil.getById(the.options.toggleBy), 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); the.target = this; Plugin.toggle(); }); } else if (the.options.toggleBy && the.options.toggleBy[0]) { if (the.options.toggleBy[0].target) { for (var i in the.options.toggleBy) { KTUtil.addEvent(KTUtil.getById(the.options.toggleBy[i].target), 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); the.target = this; Plugin.toggle(); }); } } else { for (var i in the.options.toggleBy) { KTUtil.addEvent(KTUtil.getById(the.options.toggleBy[i]), 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); the.target = this; Plugin.toggle(); }); } } } else if (the.options.toggleBy && the.options.toggleBy.target) { KTUtil.addEvent( KTUtil.getById(the.options.toggleBy.target), 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); the.target = this; Plugin.toggle(); }); } } // offcanvas close var closeBy = KTUtil.getById(the.options.closeBy); if (closeBy) { KTUtil.addEvent(closeBy, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); the.target = this; Plugin.hide(); }); } }, isShown: function() { return (the.state == 'shown' ? true : false); }, toggle: function() {; Plugin.eventTrigger('toggle'); if (the.state == 'shown') { Plugin.hide(); } else { Plugin.show(); } }, show: function() { if (the.state == 'shown') { return; } Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeShow'); Plugin.toggleClass('show'); // Offcanvas panel KTUtil.attr(body, 'data-offcanvas-' + the.classBase, 'on'); KTUtil.addClass(element, the.classShown); if (the.attrCustom.length > 0) { KTUtil.attr(body, 'data-offcanvas-' + the.classCustom, 'on'); //KTUtil.addClass(body, the.classCustom); } the.state = 'shown'; if (the.options.overlay) { the.overlay = KTUtil.insertAfter(document.createElement('DIV') , element ); KTUtil.addClass(the.overlay, the.classOverlay); KTUtil.addEvent(the.overlay, 'click', function(e) { //e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); Plugin.hide(the.target); }); } Plugin.eventTrigger('afterShow'); }, hide: function() { if (the.state == 'hidden') { return; } Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeHide'); Plugin.toggleClass('hide'); KTUtil.removeAttr(body, 'data-offcanvas-' + the.classBase); KTUtil.removeClass(element, the.classShown); if (the.attrCustom.length > 0) { KTUtil.removeAttr(body, 'data-offcanvas-' + the.attrCustom); } the.state = 'hidden'; if (the.options.overlay && the.overlay) { KTUtil.remove(the.overlay); } Plugin.eventTrigger('afterHide'); }, toggleClass: function(mode) { var id = KTUtil.attr(the.target, 'id'); var toggleBy; if (the.options.toggleBy && the.options.toggleBy[0] && the.options.toggleBy[0].target) { for (var i in the.options.toggleBy) { if (the.options.toggleBy[i].target === id) { toggleBy = the.options.toggleBy[i]; } } } else if (the.options.toggleBy && the.options.toggleBy.target) { toggleBy = the.options.toggleBy; } if (toggleBy) { var el = KTUtil.getById(toggleBy.target); if (mode === 'show') { KTUtil.addClass(el, toggleBy.state); } if (mode === 'hide') { KTUtil.removeClass(el, toggleBy.state); } } }, eventTrigger: function(name, args) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options * @param options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Check if canvas is shown * @returns {boolean} */ the.isShown = function() { return Plugin.isShown(); }; /** * Set to hide the canvas */ the.hide = function() { return Plugin.hide(); }; /** * Set to show the canvas */ the.show = function() { return Plugin.show(); }; /** * Attach event * @param name * @param handler */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once * @param name * @param handler */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; /////////////////////////////// // ** Plugin Construction ** // /////////////////////////////// // Run plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); // Init done init = true; // Return plugin instance return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTOffcanvas; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTScrolltop = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { offset: 300, speed: 6000 }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Run plugin * @returns {mscrolltop} */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('scrolltop')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('scrolltop'); } else { // reset scrolltop Plugin.init(options); // build scrolltop Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('scrolltop', the); } return the; }, /** * Handles subscrolltop click toggle * @returns {mscrolltop} */ init: function(options) { the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); }, build: function() { var timer; window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { KTUtil.throttle(timer, function() { Plugin.handle(); }, 200); }); // handle button click KTUtil.addEvent(element, 'click', Plugin.scroll); }, /** * Handles scrolltop click scrollTop */ handle: function() { var pos = KTUtil.getScrollTop(); // current vertical position if (pos > the.options.offset) { if (body.hasAttribute('data-scrolltop') === false) { body.setAttribute('data-scrolltop', 'on'); } } else { if (body.hasAttribute('data-scrolltop') === true) { body.removeAttribute('data-scrolltop'); } } }, /** * Handles scrolltop click scrollTop */ scroll: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); KTUtil.scrollTop(0, the.options.speed); }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name, args) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the, args); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Get subscrolltop mode */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Set scrolltop content * @returns {mscrolltop} */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; /////////////////////////////// // ** Plugin Construction ** // /////////////////////////////// // Run plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); // Init done init = true; // Return plugin instance return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTScrolltop; } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTToggle = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { targetToggleMode: 'class' // class|attribute }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Construct */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('toggle')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('toggle'); } else { // reset menu Plugin.init(options); // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('toggle', the); } return the; }, /** * Handles subtoggle click toggle */ init: function(options) { the.element = element; the.events = []; // Merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); //alert(the.options.target.tagName); the.target = KTUtil.getById(options.target); the.targetState = the.options.targetState; the.toggleState = the.options.toggleState; if (the.options.targetToggleMode == 'class') { the.state = KTUtil.hasClasses(the.target, the.targetState) ? 'on' : 'off'; } else { the.state = KTUtil.hasAttr(the.target, 'data-' + the.targetState) ? KTUtil.attr(the.target, 'data-' + the.targetState) : 'off'; } }, /** * Setup toggle */ build: function() { KTUtil.addEvent(element, 'mouseup', Plugin.toggle); }, /** * Handles offcanvas click toggle */ toggle: function(e) { Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeToggle'); if (the.state == 'off') { Plugin.toggleOn(); } else { Plugin.toggleOff(); } Plugin.eventTrigger('afterToggle'); e.preventDefault(); return the; }, /** * Handles toggle click toggle */ toggleOn: function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeOn'); if (the.options.targetToggleMode == 'class') { KTUtil.addClass(the.target, the.targetState); } else { KTUtil.attr(the.target, 'data-' + the.targetState, 'on'); } if (the.toggleState) { KTUtil.addClass(element, the.toggleState); } the.state = 'on'; Plugin.eventTrigger('afterOn'); Plugin.eventTrigger('toggle'); return the; }, /** * Handles toggle click toggle */ toggleOff: function() { Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeOff'); if (the.options.targetToggleMode == 'class') { KTUtil.removeClass(the.target, the.targetState); } else { KTUtil.removeAttr(the.target, 'data-' + the.targetState); } if (the.toggleState) { KTUtil.removeClass(element, the.toggleState); } the.state = 'off'; Plugin.eventTrigger('afterOff'); Plugin.eventTrigger('toggle'); return the; }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name) { for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); return the; } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Get toggle state */ the.getState = function() { return the.state; }; /** * Toggle */ the.toggle = function() { return Plugin.toggle(); }; /** * Toggle on */ the.toggleOn = function() { return Plugin.toggleOn(); }; /** * Toggle off */ the.toggleOff = function() { return Plugin.toggleOff(); }; /** * Attach event * @returns {KTToggle} */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once * @returns {KTToggle} */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; // Construct plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTToggle; } "use strict"; /** * @class KTUtil base utilize class that privides helper functions */ // Polyfills /** * Element.matches() polyfill (simple version) * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/matches#Polyfill */ if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; } /** * Element.closest() polyfill * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill */ if (!Element.prototype.closest) { if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; } Element.prototype.closest = function (s) { var el = this; var ancestor = this; if (!document.documentElement.contains(el)) return null; do { if (ancestor.matches(s)) return ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parentElement; } while (ancestor !== null); return null; }; } /** * ChildNode.remove() polyfill * https://gomakethings.com/removing-an-element-from-the-dom-the-es6-way/ * @author Chris Ferdinandi * @license MIT */ (function (elem) { for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { if (!window[elem[i]] || 'remove' in window[elem[i]].prototype) continue; window[elem[i]].prototype.remove = function () { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }; } })(['Element', 'CharacterData', 'DocumentType']); // // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. // With fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel // // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ // http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating // // MIT license // (function() { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz']; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; }()); // Source: https://github.com/jserz/js_piece/blob/master/DOM/ParentNode/prepend()/prepend().md (function(arr) { arr.forEach(function(item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty('prepend')) { return; } Object.defineProperty(item, 'prepend', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: function prepend() { var argArr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); argArr.forEach(function(argItem) { var isNode = argItem instanceof Node; docFrag.appendChild(isNode ? argItem : document.createTextNode(String(argItem))); }); this.insertBefore(docFrag, this.firstChild); } }); }); })([Element.prototype, Document.prototype, DocumentFragment.prototype]); // getAttributeNames if (Element.prototype.getAttributeNames == undefined) { Element.prototype.getAttributeNames = function () { var attributes = this.attributes; var length = attributes.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = attributes[i].name; } return result; }; } // Global variables window.KTUtilElementDataStore = {}; window.KTUtilElementDataStoreID = 0; window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers = {}; var KTUtil = function() { var resizeHandlers = []; /** @type {object} breakpoints The device width breakpoints **/ var breakpoints = { sm: 544, // Small screen / phone md: 768, // Medium screen / tablet lg: 992, // Large screen / desktop xl: 1200 // Extra large screen / wide desktop }; /** * Handle window resize event with some * delay to attach event handlers upon resize complete */ var _windowResizeHandler = function() { var _runResizeHandlers = function() { // reinitialize other subscribed elements for (var i = 0; i < resizeHandlers.length; i++) { var each = resizeHandlers[i]; each.call(); } }; var timer; window.addEventListener('resize', function() { KTUtil.throttle(timer, function() { _runResizeHandlers(); }, 200); }); }; return { /** * Class main initializer. * @param {object} settings. * @returns null */ //main function to initiate the theme init: function(settings) { if (settings && settings.breakpoints) { breakpoints = settings.breakpoints; } _windowResizeHandler(); }, /** * Adds window resize event handler. * @param {function} callback function. */ addResizeHandler: function(callback) { resizeHandlers.push(callback); }, /** * Removes window resize event handler. * @param {function} callback function. */ removeResizeHandler: function(callback) { for (var i = 0; i < resizeHandlers.length; i++) { if (callback === resizeHandlers[i]) { delete resizeHandlers[i]; } } }, /** * Trigger window resize handlers. */ runResizeHandlers: function() { _runResizeHandlers(); }, resize: function() { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { // modern browsers window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { // for IE and other old browsers // causes deprecation warning on modern browsers var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }, /** * Get GET parameter value from URL. * @param {string} paramName Parameter name. * @returns {string} */ getURLParam: function(paramName) { var searchString = window.location.search.substring(1), i, val, params = searchString.split("&"); for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { val = params[i].split("="); if (val[0] == paramName) { return unescape(val[1]); } } return null; }, /** * Checks whether current device is mobile touch. * @returns {boolean} */ isMobileDevice: function() { var test = (this.getViewPort().width < this.getBreakpoint('lg') ? true : false); if (test === false) { // For use within normal web clients test = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null; } return test; }, /** * Checks whether current device is desktop. * @returns {boolean} */ isDesktopDevice: function() { return KTUtil.isMobileDevice() ? false : true; }, /** * Gets browser window viewport size. Ref: * http://andylangton.co.uk/articles/javascript/get-viewport-size-javascript/ * @returns {object} */ getViewPort: function() { var e = window, a = 'inner'; if (!('innerWidth' in window)) { a = 'client'; e = document.documentElement || document.body; } return { width: e[a + 'Width'], height: e[a + 'Height'] }; }, /** * Checks whether given device mode is currently activated. * @param {string} mode Responsive mode name(e.g: desktop, * desktop-and-tablet, tablet, tablet-and-mobile, mobile) * @returns {boolean} */ isInResponsiveRange: function(mode) { var breakpoint = this.getViewPort().width; if (mode == 'general') { return true; } else if (mode == 'desktop' && breakpoint >= (this.getBreakpoint('lg') + 1)) { return true; } else if (mode == 'tablet' && (breakpoint >= (this.getBreakpoint('md') + 1) && breakpoint < this.getBreakpoint('lg'))) { return true; } else if (mode == 'mobile' && breakpoint <= this.getBreakpoint('md')) { return true; } else if (mode == 'desktop-and-tablet' && breakpoint >= (this.getBreakpoint('md') + 1)) { return true; } else if (mode == 'tablet-and-mobile' && breakpoint <= this.getBreakpoint('lg')) { return true; } else if (mode == 'minimal-desktop-and-below' && breakpoint <= this.getBreakpoint('xl')) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks whether given device mode is currently activated. * @param {string} mode Responsive mode name(e.g: desktop, * desktop-and-tablet, tablet, tablet-and-mobile, mobile) * @returns {boolean} */ isBreakpointUp: function(mode) { var width = this.getViewPort().width; var breakpoint = this.getBreakpoint(mode); return (width >= breakpoint); }, isBreakpointDown: function(mode) { var width = this.getViewPort().width; var breakpoint = this.getBreakpoint(mode); return (width < breakpoint); }, /** * Generates unique ID for give prefix. * @param {string} prefix Prefix for generated ID * @returns {boolean} */ getUniqueID: function(prefix) { return prefix + Math.floor(Math.random() * (new Date()).getTime()); }, /** * Gets window width for give breakpoint mode. * @param {string} mode Responsive mode name(e.g: xl, lg, md, sm) * @returns {number} */ getBreakpoint: function(mode) { return breakpoints[mode]; }, /** * Checks whether object has property matchs given key path. * @param {object} obj Object contains values paired with given key path * @param {string} keys Keys path seperated with dots * @returns {object} */ isset: function(obj, keys) { var stone; keys = keys || ''; if (keys.indexOf('[') !== -1) { throw new Error('Unsupported object path notation.'); } keys = keys.split('.'); do { if (obj === undefined) { return false; } stone = keys.shift(); if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(stone)) { return false; } obj = obj[stone]; } while (keys.length); return true; }, /** * Gets highest z-index of the given element parents * @param {object} el jQuery element object * @returns {number} */ getHighestZindex: function(el) { var position, value; while (el && el !== document) { // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned position = KTUtil.css(el, 'position'); if (position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed") { // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified // other browsers return a string // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0 //
value = parseInt(KTUtil.css(el, 'z-index')); if (!isNaN(value) && value !== 0) { return value; } } el = el.parentNode; } return null; }, /** * Checks whether the element has any parent with fixed positionfreg * @param {object} el jQuery element object * @returns {boolean} */ hasFixedPositionedParent: function(el) { var position; while (el && el !== document) { position = KTUtil.css(el, 'position'); if (position === "fixed") { return true; } el = el.parentNode; } return false; }, /** * Simulates delay */ sleep: function(milliseconds) { var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds) { break; } } }, /** * Gets randomly generated integer value within given min and max range * @param {number} min Range start value * @param {number} max Range end value * @returns {number} */ getRandomInt: function(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }, /** * Checks whether Angular library is included * @returns {boolean} */ isAngularVersion: function() { return window.Zone !== undefined ? true : false; }, // jQuery Workarounds // Deep extend: $.extend(true, {}, objA, objB); deepExtend: function(out) { out = out || {}; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; if (!obj) continue; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') out[key] = KTUtil.deepExtend(out[key], obj[key]); else out[key] = obj[key]; } } } return out; }, // extend: $.extend({}, objA, objB); extend: function(out) { out = out || {}; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (!arguments[i]) continue; for (var key in arguments[i]) { if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) out[key] = arguments[i][key]; } } return out; }, getById: function(el) { if (typeof el === 'string') { return document.getElementById(el); } else { return el; } }, getByTag: function(query) { return document.getElementsByTagName(query); }, getByTagName: function(query) { return document.getElementsByTagName(query); }, getByClass: function(query) { return document.getElementsByClassName(query); }, getBody: function() { return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; }, /** * Checks whether the element has given classes * @param {object} el jQuery element object * @param {string} Classes string * @returns {boolean} */ hasClasses: function(el, classes) { if (!el) { return; } var classesArr = classes.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < classesArr.length; i++) { if (KTUtil.hasClass(el, KTUtil.trim(classesArr[i])) == false) { return false; } } return true; }, hasClass: function(el, className) { if (!el) { return; } return el.classList ? el.classList.contains(className) : new RegExp('\\b' + className + '\\b').test(el.className); }, addClass: function(el, className) { if (!el || typeof className === 'undefined') { return; } var classNames = className.split(' '); if (el.classList) { for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { if (classNames[i] && classNames[i].length > 0) { el.classList.add(KTUtil.trim(classNames[i])); } } } else if (!KTUtil.hasClass(el, className)) { for (var x = 0; x < classNames.length; x++) { el.className += ' ' + KTUtil.trim(classNames[x]); } } }, removeClass: function(el, className) { if (!el || typeof className === 'undefined') { return; } var classNames = className.split(' '); if (el.classList) { for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { el.classList.remove(KTUtil.trim(classNames[i])); } } else if (KTUtil.hasClass(el, className)) { for (var x = 0; x < classNames.length; x++) { el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + KTUtil.trim(classNames[x]) + '\\b', 'g'), ''); } } }, triggerCustomEvent: function(el, eventName, data) { var event; if (window.CustomEvent) { event = new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail: data }); } else { event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent(eventName, true, true, data); } el.dispatchEvent(event); }, triggerEvent: function(node, eventName) { // Make sure we use the ownerDocument from the provided node to avoid cross-window problems var doc; if (node.ownerDocument) { doc = node.ownerDocument; } else if (node.nodeType == 9) { // the node may be the document itself, nodeType 9 = DOCUMENT_NODE doc = node; } else { throw new Error("Invalid node passed to fireEvent: " + node.id); } if (node.dispatchEvent) { // Gecko-style approach (now the standard) takes more work var eventClass = ""; // Different events have different event classes. // If this switch statement can't map an eventName to an eventClass, // the event firing is going to fail. switch (eventName) { case "click": // Dispatching of 'click' appears to not work correctly in Safari. Use 'mousedown' or 'mouseup' instead. case "mouseenter": case "mouseleave": case "mousedown": case "mouseup": eventClass = "MouseEvents"; break; case "focus": case "change": case "blur": case "select": eventClass = "HTMLEvents"; break; default: throw "fireEvent: Couldn't find an event class for event '" + eventName + "'."; break; } var event = doc.createEvent(eventClass); var bubbles = eventName == "change" ? false : true; event.initEvent(eventName, bubbles, true); // All events created as bubbling and cancelable. event.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events // The second parameter says go ahead with the default action node.dispatchEvent(event, true); } else if (node.fireEvent) { // IE-old school style var event = doc.createEventObject(); event.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events node.fireEvent("on" + eventName, event); } }, index: function( el ){ var c = el.parentNode.children, i = 0; for(; i < c.length; i++ ) if( c[i] == el ) return i; }, trim: function(string) { return string.trim(); }, eventTriggered: function(e) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.triggered) { return true; } else { e.currentTarget.dataset.triggered = true; return false; } }, remove: function(el) { if (el && el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, find: function(parent, query) { parent = KTUtil.getById(parent); if (parent) { return parent.querySelector(query); } }, findAll: function(parent, query) { parent = KTUtil.getById(parent); if (parent) { return parent.querySelectorAll(query); } }, insertAfter: function(el, referenceNode) { return referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(el, referenceNode.nextSibling); }, parents: function(elem, selector) { // Element.matches() polyfill if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || function(s) { var matches = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(s), i = matches.length; while (--i >= 0 && matches.item(i) !== this) {} return i > -1; }; } // Set up a parent array var parents = []; // Push each parent element to the array for ( ; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode ) { if (selector) { if (elem.matches(selector)) { parents.push(elem); } continue; } parents.push(elem); } // Return our parent array return parents; }, children: function(el, selector, log) { if (!el || !el.childNodes) { return; } var result = [], i = 0, l = el.childNodes.length; for (var i; i < l; ++i) { if (el.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1 && KTUtil.matches(el.childNodes[i], selector, log)) { result.push(el.childNodes[i]); } } return result; }, child: function(el, selector, log) { var children = KTUtil.children(el, selector, log); return children ? children[0] : null; }, matches: function(el, selector, log) { var p = Element.prototype; var f = p.matches || p.webkitMatchesSelector || p.mozMatchesSelector || p.msMatchesSelector || function(s) { return [].indexOf.call(document.querySelectorAll(s), this) !== -1; }; if (el && el.tagName) { return f.call(el, selector); } else { return false; } }, data: function(el) { return { set: function(name, data) { if (!el) { return; } if (el.customDataTag === undefined) { window.KTUtilElementDataStoreID++; el.customDataTag = window.KTUtilElementDataStoreID; } if (window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag] === undefined) { window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag] = {}; } window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag][name] = data; }, get: function(name) { if (!el) { return; } if (el.customDataTag === undefined) { return null; } return this.has(name) ? window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag][name] : null; }, has: function(name) { if (!el) { return false; } if (el.customDataTag === undefined) { return false; } return (window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag] && window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag][name]) ? true : false; }, remove: function(name) { if (el && this.has(name)) { delete window.KTUtilElementDataStore[el.customDataTag][name]; } } }; }, outerWidth: function(el, margin) { var width; if (margin === true) { width = parseFloat(el.offsetWidth); width += parseFloat(KTUtil.css(el, 'margin-left')) + parseFloat(KTUtil.css(el, 'margin-right')); return parseFloat(width); } else { width = parseFloat(el.offsetWidth); return width; } }, offset: function(el) { var rect, win; if ( !el ) { return; } // Return zeros for disconnected and hidden (display: none) elements (gh-2310) // Support: IE <=11 only // Running getBoundingClientRect on a // disconnected node in IE throws an error if ( !el.getClientRects().length ) { return { top: 0, left: 0 }; } // Get document-relative position by adding viewport scroll to viewport-relative gBCR rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView; return { top: rect.top + win.pageYOffset, left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset }; }, height: function(el) { return KTUtil.css(el, 'height'); }, outerHeight: function(el, withMargic = false) { var height = el.offsetHeight; var style; if (withMargic) { style = getComputedStyle(el); height += parseInt(style.marginTop) + parseInt(style.marginBottom); return height; } else { return height; } }, visible: function(el) { return !(el.offsetWidth === 0 && el.offsetHeight === 0); }, attr: function(el, name, value) { if (el == undefined) { return; } if (value !== undefined) { el.setAttribute(name, value); } else { return el.getAttribute(name); } }, hasAttr: function(el, name) { if (el == undefined) { return; } return el.getAttribute(name) ? true : false; }, removeAttr: function(el, name) { if (el == undefined) { return; } el.removeAttribute(name); }, animate: function(from, to, duration, update, easing, done) { /** * TinyAnimate.easings * Adapted from jQuery Easing */ var easings = {}; var easing; easings.linear = function(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; easing = easings.linear; // Early bail out if called incorrectly if (typeof from !== 'number' || typeof to !== 'number' || typeof duration !== 'number' || typeof update !== 'function') { return; } // Create mock done() function if necessary if (typeof done !== 'function') { done = function() {}; } // Pick implementation (requestAnimationFrame | setTimeout) var rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 50); }; // Animation loop var canceled = false; var change = to - from; function loop(timestamp) { var time = (timestamp || +new Date()) - start; if (time >= 0) { update(easing(time, from, change, duration)); } if (time >= 0 && time >= duration) { update(to); done(); } else { rAF(loop); } } update(from); // Start animation loop var start = window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance.now() : +new Date(); rAF(loop); }, actualCss: function(el, prop, cache) { var css = ''; if (el instanceof HTMLElement === false) { return; } if (!el.getAttribute('kt-hidden-' + prop) || cache === false) { var value; // the element is hidden so: // making the el block so we can meassure its height but still be hidden css = el.style.cssText; el.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: block;'; if (prop == 'width') { value = el.offsetWidth; } else if (prop == 'height') { value = el.offsetHeight; } el.style.cssText = css; // store it in cache el.setAttribute('kt-hidden-' + prop, value); return parseFloat(value); } else { // store it in cache return parseFloat(el.getAttribute('kt-hidden-' + prop)); } }, actualHeight: function(el, cache) { return KTUtil.actualCss(el, 'height', cache); }, actualWidth: function(el, cache) { return KTUtil.actualCss(el, 'width', cache); }, getScroll: function(element, method) { // The passed in `method` value should be 'Top' or 'Left' method = 'scroll' + method; return (element == window || element == document) ? ( self[(method == 'scrollTop') ? 'pageYOffset' : 'pageXOffset'] || (browserSupportsBoxModel && document.documentElement[method]) || document.body[method] ) : element[method]; }, css: function(el, styleProp, value) { if (!el) { return; } if (value !== undefined) { el.style[styleProp] = value; } else { var defaultView = (el.ownerDocument || document).defaultView; // W3C standard way: if (defaultView && defaultView.getComputedStyle) { // sanitize property name to css notation // (hyphen separated words eg. font-Size) styleProp = styleProp.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); return defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); } else if (el.currentStyle) { // IE // sanitize property name to camelCase styleProp = styleProp.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(str, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); value = el.currentStyle[styleProp]; // convert other units to pixels on IE if (/^\d+(em|pt|%|ex)?$/i.test(value)) { return (function(value) { var oldLeft = el.style.left, oldRsLeft = el.runtimeStyle.left; el.runtimeStyle.left = el.currentStyle.left; el.style.left = value || 0; value = el.style.pixelLeft + "px"; el.style.left = oldLeft; el.runtimeStyle.left = oldRsLeft; return value; })(value); } return value; } } }, slide: function(el, dir, speed, callback, recalcMaxHeight) { if (!el || (dir == 'up' && KTUtil.visible(el) === false) || (dir == 'down' && KTUtil.visible(el) === true)) { return; } speed = (speed ? speed : 600); var calcHeight = KTUtil.actualHeight(el); var calcPaddingTop = false; var calcPaddingBottom = false; if (KTUtil.css(el, 'padding-top') && KTUtil.data(el).has('slide-padding-top') !== true) { KTUtil.data(el).set('slide-padding-top', KTUtil.css(el, 'padding-top')); } if (KTUtil.css(el, 'padding-bottom') && KTUtil.data(el).has('slide-padding-bottom') !== true) { KTUtil.data(el).set('slide-padding-bottom', KTUtil.css(el, 'padding-bottom')); } if (KTUtil.data(el).has('slide-padding-top')) { calcPaddingTop = parseInt(KTUtil.data(el).get('slide-padding-top')); } if (KTUtil.data(el).has('slide-padding-bottom')) { calcPaddingBottom = parseInt(KTUtil.data(el).get('slide-padding-bottom')); } if (dir == 'up') { // up el.style.cssText = 'display: block; overflow: hidden;'; if (calcPaddingTop) { KTUtil.animate(0, calcPaddingTop, speed, function(value) { el.style.paddingTop = (calcPaddingTop - value) + 'px'; }, 'linear'); } if (calcPaddingBottom) { KTUtil.animate(0, calcPaddingBottom, speed, function(value) { el.style.paddingBottom = (calcPaddingBottom - value) + 'px'; }, 'linear'); } KTUtil.animate(0, calcHeight, speed, function(value) { el.style.height = (calcHeight - value) + 'px'; }, 'linear', function() { el.style.height = ''; el.style.display = 'none'; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); } else if (dir == 'down') { // down el.style.cssText = 'display: block; overflow: hidden;'; if (calcPaddingTop) { KTUtil.animate(0, calcPaddingTop, speed, function(value) {// el.style.paddingTop = value + 'px'; }, 'linear', function() { el.style.paddingTop = ''; }); } if (calcPaddingBottom) { KTUtil.animate(0, calcPaddingBottom, speed, function(value) { el.style.paddingBottom = value + 'px'; }, 'linear', function() { el.style.paddingBottom = ''; }); } KTUtil.animate(0, calcHeight, speed, function(value) { el.style.height = value + 'px'; }, 'linear', function() { el.style.height = ''; el.style.display = ''; el.style.overflow = ''; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); } }, slideUp: function(el, speed, callback) { KTUtil.slide(el, 'up', speed, callback); }, slideDown: function(el, speed, callback) { KTUtil.slide(el, 'down', speed, callback); }, show: function(el, display) { if (typeof el !== 'undefined') { el.style.display = (display ? display : 'block'); } }, hide: function(el) { if (typeof el !== 'undefined') { el.style.display = 'none'; } }, addEvent: function(el, type, handler, one) { if (typeof el !== 'undefined' && el !== null) { el.addEventListener(type, handler); } }, removeEvent: function(el, type, handler) { if (el !== null) { el.removeEventListener(type, handler); } }, on: function(element, selector, event, handler) { if (!selector) { return; } var eventId = KTUtil.getUniqueID('event'); window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers[eventId] = function(e) { var targets = element.querySelectorAll(selector); var target = e.target; while (target && target !== element) { for (var i = 0, j = targets.length; i < j; i++) { if (target === targets[i]) { handler.call(target, e); } } target = target.parentNode; } } KTUtil.addEvent(element, event, window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers[eventId]); return eventId; }, off: function(element, event, eventId) { if (!element || !window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers[eventId]) { return; } KTUtil.removeEvent(element, event, window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers[eventId]); delete window.KTUtilDelegatedEventHandlers[eventId]; }, one: function onetime(el, type, callback) { el.addEventListener(type, function callee(e) { // remove event if (e.target && e.target.removeEventListener) { e.target.removeEventListener(e.type, callee); } // need to verify from https://themeforest.net/author_dashboard#comment_23615588 if (el && el.removeEventListener) { e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(e.type, callee); } // call handler return callback(e); }); }, hash: function(str) { var hash = 0, i, chr; if (str.length === 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { chr = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr; hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; }, animateClass: function(el, animationName, callback) { var animation; var animations = { animation: 'animationend', OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd', MozAnimation: 'mozAnimationEnd', WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd', msAnimation: 'msAnimationEnd', }; for (var t in animations) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { animation = animations[t]; } } KTUtil.addClass(el, 'animated ' + animationName); KTUtil.one(el, animation, function() { KTUtil.removeClass(el, 'animated ' + animationName); }); if (callback) { KTUtil.one(el, animation, callback); } }, transitionEnd: function(el, callback) { var transition; var transitions = { transition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'mozTransitionEnd', WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', msTransition: 'msTransitionEnd' }; for (var t in transitions) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { transition = transitions[t]; } } KTUtil.one(el, transition, callback); }, animationEnd: function(el, callback) { var animation; var animations = { animation: 'animationend', OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd', MozAnimation: 'mozAnimationEnd', WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd', msAnimation: 'msAnimationEnd' }; for (var t in animations) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { animation = animations[t]; } } KTUtil.one(el, animation, callback); }, animateDelay: function(el, value) { var vendors = ['webkit-', 'moz-', 'ms-', 'o-', '']; for (var i = 0; i < vendors.length; i++) { KTUtil.css(el, vendors[i] + 'animation-delay', value); } }, animateDuration: function(el, value) { var vendors = ['webkit-', 'moz-', 'ms-', 'o-', '']; for (var i = 0; i < vendors.length; i++) { KTUtil.css(el, vendors[i] + 'animation-duration', value); } }, scrollTo: function(target, offset, duration) { var duration = duration ? duration : 500; var targetPos = target ? KTUtil.offset(target).top : 0; var scrollPos = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0; var from, to; if (offset) { scrollPos += offset; } from = scrollPos; to = targetPos; KTUtil.animate(from, to, duration, function(value) { document.documentElement.scrollTop = value; document.body.parentNode.scrollTop = value; document.body.scrollTop = value; }); //, easing, done }, scrollTop: function(offset, duration) { KTUtil.scrollTo(null, offset, duration); }, isArray: function(obj) { return obj && Array.isArray(obj); }, ready: function(callback) { if (document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === "complete" : document.readyState !== "loading") { callback(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback); } }, isEmpty: function(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { return false; } } return true; }, numberString: function(nStr) { nStr += ''; var x = nStr.split('.'); var x1 = x[0]; var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; }, detectIE: function() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; // Test values; Uncomment to check result … // IE 10 // ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)'; // IE 11 // ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'; // Edge 12 (Spartan) // ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0'; // Edge 13 // ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586'; var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE '); if (msie > 0) { // IE 10 or older => return version number return parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf('.', msie)), 10); } var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); if (trident > 0) { // IE 11 => return version number var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:'); return parseInt(ua.substring(rv + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rv)), 10); } var edge = ua.indexOf('Edge/'); if (edge > 0) { // Edge (IE 12+) => return version number return parseInt(ua.substring(edge + 5, ua.indexOf('.', edge)), 10); } // other browser return false; }, isRTL: function() { var html = KTUtil.getByTagName('html')[0]; if (html) { return (KTUtil.attr(html, 'direction') == 'rtl'); } }, // Scroller scrollInit: function(element, options) { if (!element) { return; } // Learn more: https://github.com/mdbootstrap/perfect-scrollbar#options var pluginDefOptions = { wheelSpeed: 0.5, swipeEasing: true, wheelPropagation: false, minScrollbarLength: 40, maxScrollbarLength: 300, suppressScrollX: true }; options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, pluginDefOptions, options); // Define init function function init() { var ps; var height; // Get extra options via data attributes var attrs = element.getAttributeNames(); if (attrs.length > 0) { attrs.forEach(function(attrName) { // more options; https://github.com/ganlanyuan/tiny-slider#options if ((/^data-.*/g).test(attrName)) { if (['scroll', 'height', 'mobile-height'].includes(optionName) == false) { var optionName = attrName.replace('data-', '').toLowerCase().replace(/(?:[\s-])\w/g, function(match) { return match.replace('-', '').toUpperCase(); }); options[optionName] = KTUtil.filterBoolean(element.getAttribute(attrName)); } } }); } if (options.height instanceof Function) { height = options.height.call(); } else { if (KTUtil.isMobileDevice() === true && options.mobileHeight) { height = parseInt(options.mobileHeight); } else { height = parseInt(options.height); } } if (height === false) { KTUtil.scrollDestroy(element, true); return; } height = parseInt(height); // Destroy scroll on table and mobile modes if ((options.mobileNativeScroll || options.disableForMobile) && KTUtil.isMobileDevice() === true) { ps = KTUtil.data(element).get('ps'); if (ps) { if (options.resetHeightOnDestroy) { KTUtil.css(element, 'height', 'auto'); } else { KTUtil.css(element, 'overflow', 'auto'); if (height > 0) { KTUtil.css(element, 'height', height + 'px'); } } ps.destroy(); ps = KTUtil.data(element).remove('ps'); } else if (height > 0){ KTUtil.css(element, 'overflow', 'auto'); KTUtil.css(element, 'height', height + 'px'); } return; } if (height > 0) { KTUtil.css(element, 'height', height + 'px'); } if (options.desktopNativeScroll) { KTUtil.css(element, 'overflow', 'auto'); return; } // Pass options via HTML Attributes if (KTUtil.attr(element, 'data-window-scroll') == 'true') { options.windowScroll = true; } // Init scroll ps = KTUtil.data(element).get('ps'); if (ps) { ps.update(); } else { KTUtil.css(element, 'overflow', 'hidden'); KTUtil.addClass(element, 'scroll'); ps = new PerfectScrollbar(element, options); KTUtil.data(element).set('ps', ps); } // Remember scroll position in cookie var uid = KTUtil.attr(element, 'id'); // Consider using Localstorage //if (options.rememberPosition === true && Cookies && uid) { // if (KTCookie.getCookie(uid)) { // var pos = parseInt(KTCookie.getCookie(uid)); // // if (pos > 0) { // element.scrollTop = pos; // } // } // // element.addEventListener('ps-scroll-y', function() { // KTCookie.setCookie(uid, element.scrollTop); // }); //} } // Init init(); // Handle window resize if (options.handleWindowResize) { KTUtil.addResizeHandler(function() { init(); }); } }, scrollUpdate: function(element) { var ps = KTUtil.data(element).get('ps'); if (ps) { ps.update(); } }, scrollUpdateAll: function(parent) { var scrollers = KTUtil.findAll(parent, '.ps'); for (var i = 0, len = scrollers.length; i < len; i++) { KTUtil.scrollUpdate(scrollers[i]); } }, scrollDestroy: function(element, resetAll) { var ps = KTUtil.data(element).get('ps'); if (ps) { ps.destroy(); ps = KTUtil.data(element).remove('ps'); } if (element && resetAll) { element.style.setProperty('overflow', ''); element.style.setProperty('height', ''); } }, filterBoolean: function(val) { // Convert string boolean if (val === true || val === 'true') { return true; } if (val === false || val === 'false') { return false; } return val; }, setHTML: function(el, html) { el.innerHTML = html; }, getHTML: function(el) { if (el) { return el.innerHTML; } }, getDocumentHeight: function() { var body = document.body; var html = document.documentElement; return Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight ); }, getScrollTop: function() { return (document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement).scrollTop; }, colorDarken: function(color, amount) { var subtractLight = function(color, amount){ var cc = parseInt(color,16) - amount; var c = (cc < 0) ? 0 : (cc); c = (c.toString(16).length > 1 ) ? c.toString(16) : `0${c.toString(16)}`; return c; } color = (color.indexOf("#")>=0) ? color.substring(1,color.length) : color; amount = parseInt((255*amount)/100); return color = `#${subtractLight(color.substring(0,2), amount)}${subtractLight(color.substring(2,4), amount)}${subtractLight(color.substring(4,6), amount)}`; }, colorLighten: function(color, amount) { var addLight = function(color, amount){ var cc = parseInt(color,16) + amount; var c = (cc > 255) ? 255 : (cc); c = (c.toString(16).length > 1 ) ? c.toString(16) : `0${c.toString(16)}`; return c; } color = (color.indexOf("#")>=0) ? color.substring(1,color.length) : color; amount = parseInt((255*amount)/100); return color = `#${addLight(color.substring(0,2), amount)}${addLight(color.substring(2,4), amount)}${addLight(color.substring(4,6), amount)}`; }, // Throttle function: Input as function which needs to be throttled and delay is the time interval in milliseconds throttle: function (timer, func, delay) { // If setTimeout is already scheduled, no need to do anything if (timer) { return; } // Schedule a setTimeout after delay seconds timer = setTimeout(function () { func(); // Once setTimeout function execution is finished, timerId = undefined so that in
// the next scroll event function execution can be scheduled by the setTimeout timer = undefined; }, delay); }, // Debounce function: Input as function which needs to be debounced and delay is the debounced time in milliseconds debounce: function (timer, func, delay) { // Cancels the setTimeout method execution clearTimeout(timer) // Executes the func after delay time. timer = setTimeout(func, delay); }, btnWait: function(el, cls, message, disable = true) { if (!el) { return; } if (disable) { KTUtil.attr(el, "disabled", true); } if (cls) { KTUtil.addClass(el, cls); KTUtil.attr(el, "wait-class", cls); } if (message) { var caption = KTUtil.find(el, '.btn-caption'); if (caption) { KTUtil.data(caption).set('caption', KTUtil.getHTML(caption)); KTUtil.setHTML(caption, message); } else { KTUtil.data(el).set('caption', KTUtil.getHTML(el)); KTUtil.setHTML(el, message); } } }, btnRelease: function(el) { if (!el) { return; } /// Show loading state on button KTUtil.removeAttr(el, "disabled"); if (KTUtil.hasAttr(el, "wait-class")) { KTUtil.removeClass(el, KTUtil.attr(el, "wait-class")); } var caption = KTUtil.find(el, '.btn-caption'); if (caption && KTUtil.data(caption).has('caption')) { KTUtil.setHTML(caption, KTUtil.data(caption).get('caption')); } else if (KTUtil.data(el).has('caption')) { KTUtil.setHTML(el, KTUtil.data(el).get('caption')); } }, isOffscreen: function(el, direction, offset = 0) { var windowWidth = KTUtil.getViewPort().width; var windowHeight = KTUtil.getViewPort().height; var top = KTUtil.offset(el).top; var height = KTUtil.outerHeight(el) + offset; var left = KTUtil.offset(el).left; var width = KTUtil.outerWidth(el) + offset; if (direction == 'bottom') { if (windowHeight < top + height) { return true; } else if (windowHeight > top + height * 1.5) { return true; } } if (direction == 'top') { if (top < 0) { return true; } else if (top > height) { return true; } } if (direction == 'left') { if (left < 0) { return true; } else if (left * 2 > width) { //console.log('left 2'); //return true; } } if (direction == 'right') { if (windowWidth < left + width) { return true; } else { //console.log('right 2'); //return true; } } return false; } } }(); // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTUtil; } // Initialize KTUtil class on document ready KTUtil.ready(function() { if (typeof KTAppSettings !== 'undefined') { KTUtil.init(KTAppSettings); } else { KTUtil.init(); } }); // CSS3 Transitions only after page load(.page-loading class added to body tag and remove with JS on page load) window.onload = function() { var result = KTUtil.getByTagName('body'); if (result && result[0]) { KTUtil.removeClass(result[0], 'page-loading'); } } "use strict"; // Component Definition var KTWizard = function(elementId, options) { // Main object var the = this; var init = false; // Get element object var element = KTUtil.getById(elementId); var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!element) { return; } // Default options var defaultOptions = { startStep: 1, clickableSteps: false // to make steps clickable this set value true and add data-wizard-clickable="true" in HTML for class="wizard" element }; //////////////////////////// // ** Private Methods ** // //////////////////////////// var Plugin = { /** * Construct */ construct: function(options) { if (KTUtil.data(element).has('wizard')) { the = KTUtil.data(element).get('wizard'); } else { // reset menu Plugin.init(options); // build menu Plugin.build(); KTUtil.data(element).set('wizard', the); } return the; }, /** * Init wizard */ init: function(options) { the.element = element; the.events = []; // merge default and user defined options the.options = KTUtil.deepExtend({}, defaultOptions, options); // Elements the.steps = KTUtil.findAll(element, '[data-wizard-type="step"]'); the.btnSubmit = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-wizard-type="action-submit"]'); the.btnNext = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-wizard-type="action-next"]'); the.btnPrev = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-wizard-type="action-prev"]'); the.btnLast = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-wizard-type="action-last"]'); the.btnFirst = KTUtil.find(element, '[data-wizard-type="action-first"]'); // Variables the.events = []; the.currentStep = 1; the.stopped = false; the.totalSteps = the.steps.length; // Init current step if (the.options.startStep > 1) { Plugin.goTo(the.options.startStep); } // Init UI Plugin.updateUI(); }, /** * Build Form Wizard */ build: function() { // Next button event handler KTUtil.addEvent(the.btnNext, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getNextStep(), true); }); // Prev button event handler KTUtil.addEvent(the.btnPrev, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getPrevStep(), true); }); // First button event handler KTUtil.addEvent(the.btnFirst, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getFirstStep(), true); }); // Last button event handler KTUtil.addEvent(the.btnLast, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getLastStep(), true); }); if (the.options.clickableSteps === true) { KTUtil.on(element, '[data-wizard-type="step"]', 'click', function() { var index = KTUtil.index(this) + 1; if (index !== the.currentStep) { Plugin.goTo(index, true); } }); } }, /** * Handles wizard click wizard */ goTo: function(number, eventHandle) { // Skip if this step is already shown if (number === the.currentStep || number > the.totalSteps || number < 0) { return; } // Validate step number if (number) { number = parseInt(number); } else { number = Plugin.getNextStep(); } // Before next and prev events var callback; if (eventHandle === true) { if (number > the.currentStep) { callback = Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeNext'); } else { callback = Plugin.eventTrigger('beforePrev'); } } // Skip if stopped if (the.stopped === true) { the.stopped = false; return; } // Continue if no exit if (callback !== false) { // Before change if (eventHandle === true) { Plugin.eventTrigger('beforeChange'); } // Set current step the.currentStep = number; Plugin.updateUI(); // Trigger change event if (eventHandle === true) { Plugin.eventTrigger('change'); } } // After next and prev events if (eventHandle === true) { if (number > the.startStep) { Plugin.eventTrigger('afterNext'); } else { Plugin.eventTrigger('afterPrev'); } } return the; }, /** * Cancel */ stop: function() { the.stopped = true; }, /** * Resume */ start: function() { the.stopped = false; }, /** * Check last step */ isLastStep: function() { return the.currentStep === the.totalSteps; }, /** * Check first step */ isFirstStep: function() { return the.currentStep === 1; }, /** * Check between step */ isBetweenStep: function() { return Plugin.isLastStep() === false && Plugin.isFirstStep() === false; }, /** * Go to the first step */ updateUI: function() { var stepType = ''; var index = the.currentStep - 1; if (Plugin.isLastStep()) { stepType = 'last'; } else if (Plugin.isFirstStep()) { stepType = 'first'; } else { stepType = 'between'; } KTUtil.attr(the.element, 'data-wizard-state', stepType); // Steps var steps = KTUtil.findAll(the.element, '[data-wizard-type="step"]'); if (steps && steps.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, len = steps.length; i < len; i++) { if (i == index) { KTUtil.attr(steps[i], 'data-wizard-state', 'current'); } else { if (i < index) { KTUtil.attr(steps[i], 'data-wizard-state', 'done'); } else { KTUtil.attr(steps[i], 'data-wizard-state', 'pending'); } } } } // Steps Info var stepsInfo = KTUtil.findAll(the.element, '[data-wizard-type="step-info"]'); if (stepsInfo &&stepsInfo.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, len = stepsInfo.length; i < len; i++) { if (i == index) { KTUtil.attr(stepsInfo[i], 'data-wizard-state', 'current'); } else { KTUtil.removeAttr(stepsInfo[i], 'data-wizard-state'); } } } // Steps Content var stepsContent = KTUtil.findAll(the.element, '[data-wizard-type="step-content"]'); if (stepsContent&& stepsContent.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, len = stepsContent.length; i < len; i++) { if (i == index) { KTUtil.attr(stepsContent[i], 'data-wizard-state', 'current'); } else { KTUtil.removeAttr(stepsContent[i], 'data-wizard-state'); } } } }, /** * Get next step */ getNextStep: function() { if (the.totalSteps >= (the.currentStep + 1)) { return the.currentStep + 1; } else { return the.totalSteps; } }, /** * Get prev step */ getPrevStep: function() { if ((the.currentStep - 1) >= 1) { return the.currentStep - 1; } else { return 1; } }, /** * Trigger events */ eventTrigger: function(name, nested) { //KTUtil.triggerCustomEvent(name); for (var i = 0; i < the.events.length; i++) { var event = the.events[i]; if (event.name == name) { if (event.one == true) { if (event.fired == false) { the.events[i].fired = true; return event.handler.call(this, the); } } else { return event.handler.call(this, the); } } } }, addEvent: function(name, handler, one) { the.events.push({ name: name, handler: handler, one: one, fired: false }); return the; } }; ////////////////////////// // ** Public Methods ** // ////////////////////////// /** * Set default options */ the.setDefaults = function(options) { defaultOptions = options; }; /** * Go to the next step */ the.goNext = function(eventHandle) { return Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getNextStep(), eventHandle); }; /** * Go to the prev step */ the.goPrev = function(eventHandle) { return Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getPrevStep(),eventHandle); }; /** * Go to the last step */ the.goLast = function(eventHandle) { return Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getLastStep(), eventHandle); }; /** * Go to the first step */ the.goFirst = function(eventHandle) { return Plugin.goTo(Plugin.getFirstStep(), eventHandle); }; /** * Go to a step */ the.goTo = function(number, eventHandle) { return Plugin.goTo(number, eventHandle); }; /** * Cancel step */ the.stop = function() { return Plugin.stop(); }; /** * Resume step */ the.start = function() { return Plugin.start(); }; /** * Get current step number */ the.getStep = function() { return the.currentStep; }; /** * Check last step */ the.isLastStep = function() { return Plugin.isLastStep(); }; /** * Check first step */ the.isFirstStep = function() { return Plugin.isFirstStep(); }; /** * Attach event */ the.on = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler); }; /** * Attach event that will be fired once */ the.one = function(name, handler) { return Plugin.addEvent(name, handler, true); }; // Construct plugin Plugin.construct.apply(the, [options]); return the; }; // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTWizard; } 'use strict'; (function($) { var pluginName = 'KTDatatable'; var pfx = ''; var util = KTUtil; var app = KTApp; if (typeof util === 'undefined') throw new Error('Util class is required and must be included before ' + pluginName); // plugin setup $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { if ($(this).length === 0) { console.warn('No ' + pluginName + ' element exist.'); return; } // global variables var datatable = this; // debug enabled? // 1) state will be cleared on each refresh // 2) enable some logs // 3) etc. datatable.debug = false; datatable.API = { record: null, value: null, params: null, }; var Plugin = { /******************** ** PRIVATE METHODS ********************/ isInit: false, cellOffset: 110, iconOffset: 15, stateId: 'meta', ajaxParams: {}, pagingObject: {}, init: function(options) { var isHtmlTable = false; // data source option empty is normal table if (options.data.source === null) { Plugin.extractTable(); isHtmlTable = true; } Plugin.setupBaseDOM.call(); Plugin.setupDOM(datatable.table); // on event after layout had done setup, show datatable $(datatable).on(pfx + 'datatable-on-layout-updated', Plugin.afterRender); if (datatable.debug) { Plugin.stateRemove(Plugin.stateId); } /*var es = Plugin.stateGet(Plugin.stateId); var eq = {}; if (es && es.hasOwnProperty('query')) { eq = es.query; } Plugin.setDataSourceQuery(Object.assign({}, eq, Plugin.getOption('data.source.read.params.query')));*/ // set custom query from options Plugin.setDataSourceQuery(Plugin.getOption('data.source.read.params.query')); // initialize extensions $.each(Plugin.getOption('extensions'), function(extName, extOptions) { if (typeof $.fn[pluginName][extName] === 'function') { if (typeof extOptions !== 'object') { extOptions = $.extend({}, extOptions); } new $.fn[pluginName][extName](datatable, extOptions); } }); Plugin.spinnerCallback(true); // get data if (options.data.type === 'remote' || options.data.type === 'local') { if (options.data.saveState === false) { Plugin.stateRemove(Plugin.stateId); } // get data for local datatable and local table if (options.data.type === 'local' && typeof options.data.source === 'object') { datatable.dataSet = datatable.originalDataSet = Plugin.dataMapCallback(options.data.source); } Plugin.dataRender(); } // if html table, remove and setup a new header if (isHtmlTable) { $(datatable.tableHead).find('tr').remove(); $(datatable.tableFoot).find('tr').remove(); } Plugin.setHeadTitle(); if (Plugin.getOption('layout.footer')) { Plugin.setHeadTitle(datatable.tableFoot); } // hide header if (typeof options.layout.header !== 'undefined' && options.layout.header === false) { $(datatable.table).find('thead').remove(); } // hide footer if (typeof options.layout.footer !== 'undefined' && options.layout.footer === false) { $(datatable.table).find('tfoot').remove(); } // for normal and local data type, run layoutUpdate if (options.data.type === null || options.data.type === 'local') { Plugin.setupCellField.call(); Plugin.setupTemplateCell.call(); // setup nested datatable, if option enabled Plugin.setupSubDatatable.call(); // setup extra system column properties Plugin.setupSystemColumn.call(); Plugin.redraw(); } var width; var initialWidth = false; $(window).resize(function() { // issue: URL Bar Resizing on mobile, https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/12/url-bar-resizing // trigger datatable resize on width change only if ($(this).width() !== width) { width = $(this).width(); Plugin.fullRender(); } // get initial width if (!initialWidth) { width = $(this).width(); initialWidth = true; } }); $(datatable).height(''); var prevKeyword = ''; $(Plugin.getOption('search.input')).on('keyup', function(e) { if (Plugin.getOption('search.onEnter') && e.which !== 13) return; var keyword = $(this).val(); // prevent multiple search request on every button keyup if (prevKeyword !== keyword) { Plugin.search(keyword); prevKeyword = keyword; } }); return datatable; }, /** * Extract static HTML table content into datasource */ extractTable: function() { var columns = []; var headers = $(datatable).find('tr:first-child th').get().map(function(cell, i) { var field = $(cell).data('field'); var title = $(cell).data('title'); if (typeof field === 'undefined') { field = $(cell).text().trim(); } if (typeof title === 'undefined') { title = $(cell).text().trim(); } var column = {field: field, title: title}; for (var ii in options.columns) { if (options.columns[ii].field === field) { column = $.extend(true, {}, options.columns[ii], column); } } columns.push(column); return field; }); // auto create columns config options.columns = columns; var rowProp = []; var source = []; $(datatable).find('tr').each(function() { if ($(this).find('td').length) { rowProp.push($(this).prop('attributes')); } var td = {}; $(this).find('td').each(function(i, cell) { td[headers[i]] = cell.innerHTML.trim(); }); if (!util.isEmpty(td)) { source.push(td); } }); options.data.attr.rowProps = rowProp; options.data.source = source; }, /** * One time layout update on init */ layoutUpdate: function() { // setup nested datatable, if option enabled Plugin.setupSubDatatable.call(); // setup extra system column properties Plugin.setupSystemColumn.call(); // setup cell hover event Plugin.setupHover.call(); if (typeof options.detail === 'undefined' // temporary disable lock column in subtable && Plugin.getDepth() === 1) { // lock columns handler Plugin.lockTable.call(); } Plugin.resetScroll(); // check if not is a locked column if (!Plugin.isLocked()) { Plugin.redraw.call(); // check if its not a subtable and has autoHide option enabled if (!Plugin.isSubtable() && Plugin.getOption('rows.autoHide') === true) { Plugin.autoHide(); } // reset row $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').css('height', ''); } Plugin.columnHide.call(); Plugin.rowEvenOdd.call(); Plugin.sorting.call(); Plugin.scrollbar.call(); if (!Plugin.isInit) { // run once dropdown inside datatable Plugin.dropdownFix(); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-init', {table: $(datatable.wrap).attr('id'), options: options}); Plugin.isInit = true; } $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-layout-updated', {table: $(datatable.wrap).attr('id')}); }, dropdownFix: function() { var dropdownMenu; $('body').on('show.bs.dropdown', '.' + pfx + 'datatable .' + pfx + 'datatable-body', function(e) { dropdownMenu = $(e.target).find('.dropdown-menu'); $('body').append(dropdownMenu.detach()); dropdownMenu.css('display', 'block'); dropdownMenu.position({ 'my': 'right top', 'at': 'right bottom', 'of': $(e.relatedTarget), }); // if datatable is inside modal if (datatable.closest('.modal').length) { // increase dropdown z-index dropdownMenu.css('z-index', '2000'); } }).on('hide.bs.dropdown', '.' + pfx + 'datatable .' + pfx + 'datatable-body', function(e) { $(e.target).append(dropdownMenu.detach()); dropdownMenu.hide(); }); // remove dropdown if window resize $(window).on('resize', function(e) { if (typeof dropdownMenu !== 'undefined') { dropdownMenu.hide(); } }); }, lockTable: function() { var lock = { lockEnabled: false, init: function() { // check if table should be locked columns lock.lockEnabled = Plugin.lockEnabledColumns(); if (lock.lockEnabled.left.length === 0 && lock.lockEnabled.right.length === 0) { return; } lock.enable(); }, enable: function() { var enableLock = function(tablePart) { // check if already has lock column if ($(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').length > 0) { Plugin.log('Locked container already exist in: ', tablePart); return; } // check if no rows exists if ($(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').length === 0) { Plugin.log('No row exist in: ', tablePart); return; } // locked div container var lockLeft = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-lock ' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-left'); var lockScroll = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-lock ' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-scroll'); var lockRight = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-lock ' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-right'); $(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function() { // create new row for lock columns and pass the data var rowLeft = $('').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row').data('obj', $(this).data('obj')).appendTo(lockLeft); var rowScroll = $('').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row').data('obj', $(this).data('obj')).appendTo(lockScroll); var rowRight = $('').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row').data('obj', $(this).data('obj')).appendTo(lockRight); $(this).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function() { var locked = $(this).data('locked'); if (typeof locked !== 'undefined') { if (typeof locked.left !== 'undefined' || locked === true) { // default locked to left $(this).appendTo(rowLeft); } if (typeof locked.right !== 'undefined') { $(this).appendTo(rowRight); } } else { $(this).appendTo(rowScroll); } }); // remove old row $(this).remove(); }); if (lock.lockEnabled.left.length > 0) { $(datatable.wrap).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-lock'); $(lockLeft).appendTo(tablePart); } if (lock.lockEnabled.left.length > 0 || lock.lockEnabled.right.length > 0) { $(lockScroll).appendTo(tablePart); } if (lock.lockEnabled.right.length > 0) { $(datatable.wrap).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-lock'); $(lockRight).appendTo(tablePart); } }; $(datatable.table).find('thead,tbody,tfoot').each(function() { var tablePart = this; if ($(this).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').length === 0) { $(this).ready(function() { enableLock(tablePart); }); } }); }, }; lock.init(); return lock; }, /** * Render everything for resize */ fullRender: function() { $(datatable.tableHead).empty(); Plugin.setHeadTitle(); if (Plugin.getOption('layout.footer')) { $(datatable.tableFoot).empty(); Plugin.setHeadTitle(datatable.tableFoot); } Plugin.spinnerCallback(true); $(datatable.wrap).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-loaded'); Plugin.insertData(); }, lockEnabledColumns: function() { var screen = $(window).width(); var columns = options.columns; var enabled = {left: [], right: []}; $.each(columns, function(i, column) { if (typeof column.locked !== 'undefined') { if (typeof column.locked.left !== 'undefined') { if (util.getBreakpoint(column.locked.left) <= screen) { enabled['left'].push(column.locked.left); } } if (typeof column.locked.right !== 'undefined') { if (util.getBreakpoint(column.locked.right) <= screen) { enabled['right'].push(column.locked.right); } } } }); return enabled; }, /** * After render event, called by "datatable-on-layout-updated" * @param e * @param args */ afterRender: function(e, args) { $(datatable).ready(function() { // redraw locked columns table if (Plugin.isLocked()) { Plugin.redraw(); } $(datatable.tableBody).css('visibility', ''); $(datatable.wrap).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-loaded'); Plugin.spinnerCallback(false); }); }, hoverTimer: 0, isScrolling: false, setupHover: function() { $(window).scroll(function(e) { // stop hover when scrolling clearTimeout(Plugin.hoverTimer); Plugin.isScrolling = true; }); $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').off('mouseenter', 'mouseleave').on('mouseenter', function() { // reset scroll timer to hover class Plugin.hoverTimer = setTimeout(function() { Plugin.isScrolling = false; }, 200); if (Plugin.isScrolling) return; // normal table var row = $(this).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-hover'); var index = $(row).index() + 1; // lock table $(row).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').parent().find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row:nth-child(' + index + ')').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-hover'); }).on('mouseleave', function() { // normal table var row = $(this).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-hover'); var index = $(row).index() + 1; // look table $(row).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').parent().find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row:nth-child(' + index + ')').removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-hover'); }); }, /** * Adjust width of locked table containers by resize handler * @returns {number} */ adjustLockContainer: function() { if (!Plugin.isLocked()) return 0; // refer to head dimension var containerWidth = $(datatable.tableHead).width(); var lockLeft = $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-left').width(); var lockRight = $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-right').width(); if (typeof lockLeft === 'undefined') lockLeft = 0; if (typeof lockRight === 'undefined') lockRight = 0; var lockScroll = Math.floor(containerWidth - lockLeft - lockRight); $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-scroll').css('width', lockScroll); return lockScroll; }, /** * todo; not in use */ dragResize: function() { var pressed = false; var start = undefined; var startX, startWidth; $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').mousedown(function(e) { start = $(this); pressed = true; startX = e.pageX; startWidth = $(this).width(); $(start).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-resizing'); }).mousemove(function(e) { if (pressed) { var i = $(start).index(); var tableBody = $(datatable.tableBody); var ifLocked = $(start).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock'); if (ifLocked) { var lockedIndex = $(ifLocked).index(); tableBody = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').eq(lockedIndex); } $(tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(tri, tr) { $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').eq(i).width(startWidth + (e.pageX - startX)).children().width(startWidth + (e.pageX - startX)); }); $(start).children().css('width', startWidth + (e.pageX - startX)); } }).mouseup(function() { $(start).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-resizing'); pressed = false; }); $(document).mouseup(function() { $(start).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-resizing'); pressed = false; }); }, /** * To prepare placeholder for table before content is loading */ initHeight: function() { if (options.layout.height && options.layout.scroll) { var theadHeight = $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').outerHeight(); var tfootHeight = $(datatable.tableFoot).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').outerHeight(); var bodyHeight = options.layout.height; if (theadHeight > 0) { bodyHeight -= theadHeight; } if (tfootHeight > 0) { bodyHeight -= tfootHeight; } // scrollbar offset bodyHeight -= 2; $(datatable.tableBody).css('max-height', Math.floor(parseFloat(bodyHeight))); // set scrollable area fixed height // $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-scroll').css('height', Math.floor(parseFloat(bodyHeight))); } }, /** * Setup base DOM (table, thead, tbody, tfoot) and create if not * exist. */ setupBaseDOM: function() { // keep original state before datatable initialize datatable.initialDatatable = $(datatable).clone(); // main element if ($(datatable).prop('tagName') === 'TABLE') { // if main init element is , wrap with div datatable.table = $(datatable).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-table'); if ($(datatable.table).parents('.' + pfx + 'datatable').length === 0) { datatable.table.wrap($('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-' + options.layout.theme)); datatable.wrap = $(datatable.table).parent(); } } else { // create table datatable.wrap = $(datatable).addClass(pfx + 'datatable').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-' + options.layout.theme); datatable.table = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-table').appendTo(datatable); } if (typeof options.layout.class !== 'undefined') { $(datatable.wrap).addClass(options.layout.class); } $(datatable.table).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-destroyed').css('display', 'block'); // force disable save state if (typeof $(datatable).attr('id') === 'undefined') { Plugin.setOption('data.saveState', false); $(datatable.table).attr('id', util.getUniqueID(pfx + 'datatable-')); } // predefine table height if (Plugin.getOption('layout.minHeight')) $(datatable.table).css('min-height', Plugin.getOption('layout.minHeight')); if (Plugin.getOption('layout.height')) $(datatable.table).css('max-height', Plugin.getOption('layout.height')); // for normal table load if (options.data.type === null) { $(datatable.table).css('width', '').css('display', ''); } // create table head element datatable.tableHead = $(datatable.table).find('thead'); if ($(datatable.tableHead).length === 0) { datatable.tableHead = $('').prependTo(datatable.table); } // create table head element datatable.tableBody = $(datatable.table).find('tbody'); if ($(datatable.tableBody).length === 0) { datatable.tableBody = $('').appendTo(datatable.table); } if (typeof options.layout.footer !== 'undefined' && options.layout.footer) { // create table foot element datatable.tableFoot = $(datatable.table).find('tfoot'); if ($(datatable.tableFoot).length === 0) { datatable.tableFoot = $('').appendTo(datatable.table); } } }, /** * Set column data before table manipulation. */ setupCellField: function(tableParts) { if (typeof tableParts === 'undefined') tableParts = $(datatable.table).children(); var columns = options.columns; $.each(tableParts, function(part, tablePart) { $(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(tri, tr) { // prepare data $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function(tdi, td) { if (typeof columns[tdi] !== 'undefined') { $(td).data(columns[tdi]); } }); }); }); }, /** * Set column template callback * @param tablePart */ setupTemplateCell: function(tablePart) { if (typeof tablePart === 'undefined') tablePart = datatable.tableBody; var columns = options.columns; $(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(tri, tr) { // row data object, if any var obj = $(tr).data('obj'); if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { return; } // @deprecated in v5.0.6 // obj['getIndex'] = function() { // return tri; // }; // @deprecated in v5.0.6 // obj['getDatatable'] = function() { // return datatable; // }; // @deprecated in v5.0.6 var rowCallback = Plugin.getOption('rows.callback'); if (typeof rowCallback === 'function') { rowCallback($(tr), obj, tri); } // before template row callback var beforeTemplate = Plugin.getOption('rows.beforeTemplate'); if (typeof beforeTemplate === 'function') { beforeTemplate($(tr), obj, tri); } // if data object is undefined, collect from table if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { obj = {}; $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function(tdi, td) { // get column settings by field var column = $.grep(columns, function(n, i) { return $(td).data('field') === n.field; })[0]; if (typeof column !== 'undefined') { obj[column['field']] = $(td).text(); } }); } $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function(tdi, td) { // get column settings by field var column = $.grep(columns, function(n, i) { return $(td).data('field') === n.field; })[0]; if (typeof column !== 'undefined') { // column template if (typeof column.template !== 'undefined') { var finalValue = ''; // template string if (typeof column.template === 'string') { finalValue = Plugin.dataPlaceholder(column.template, obj); } // template callback function if (typeof column.template === 'function') { finalValue = column.template(obj, tri, datatable); } // sanitize using DOMPurify if installed if (typeof DOMPurify !== 'undefined') { finalValue = DOMPurify.sanitize(finalValue); } var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = finalValue; // insert to cell, wrap with span $(td).html(span); // set span overflow if (typeof column.overflow !== 'undefined') { $(span).css('overflow', column.overflow); $(span).css('position', 'relative'); } } } }); // after template row callback var afterTemplate = Plugin.getOption('rows.afterTemplate'); if (typeof afterTemplate === 'function') { afterTemplate($(tr), obj, tri); } }); }, /** * Setup extra system column properties * Note: selector checkbox, subtable toggle */ setupSystemColumn: function() { datatable.dataSet = datatable.dataSet || []; // no records available if (datatable.dataSet.length === 0) return; var columns = options.columns; $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(tri, tr) { $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function(tdi, td) { // get column settings by field var column = $.grep(columns, function(n, i) { return $(td).data('field') === n.field; })[0]; if (typeof column !== 'undefined') { var value = $(td).text(); // enable column selector if (typeof column.selector !== 'undefined' && column.selector !== false) { // check if checkbox exist if ($(td).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox [type="checkbox"]').length > 0) return; $(td).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-check'); // append checkbox var chk = $(' as parent and add as child table subTableRow = $(''). addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable ' + pfx + 'datatable-row-loading'). hide(). append($('').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-detail').insertAfter(row); var detailRowTd = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-subtable').attr('colspan', Plugin.getTotalColumns())); $(parentRow).after(subTableRow); // add class to even row if ($(parentRow).hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-even')) { $(subTableRow).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable-even'); } } $(subTableRow).toggle(); var subTable = $(subTableRow).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-subtable'); // get id from first column of parent row var primaryKey = $(this).closest('[data-field]:first-child').find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-subtable').data('value'); var icon = $(this).find('i').removeAttr('class'); // prevent duplicate datatable init if ($(parentRow).hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable-expanded')) { $(icon).addClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.collapse')); // remove expand class from parent row $(parentRow).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable-expanded'); // trigger event on collapse $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-collapse-subtable', [parentRow]); } else { // expand and run callback function $(icon).addClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.expand')); // add expand class to parent row $(parentRow).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable-expanded'); // trigger event on expand $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-expand-subtable', [parentRow]); } // prevent duplicate datatable init if ($(subTable).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable').length === 0) { // get data by primary id $.map(datatable.dataSet, function(n, i) { // primary id must be at the first column, otherwise e.data will be undefined if (primaryKey === n[options.columns[0].field]) { e.data = n; return true; } return false; }); // deprecated in v5.0.6 e.detailCell = subTable; e.parentRow = parentRow; e.subTable = subTable; // run callback with event subTableCallback(e); $(subTable).children('.' + pfx + 'datatable').on(pfx + 'datatable-on-init', function(e) { $(subTableRow).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-loading'); }); if (Plugin.getOption('data.type') === 'local') { $(subTableRow).removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-loading'); } } }; var columns = options.columns; $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(tri, tr) { $(tr).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').each(function(tdi, td) { // get column settings by field var column = $.grep(columns, function(n, i) { return $(td).data('field') === n.field; })[0]; if (typeof column !== 'undefined') { var value = $(td).text(); // enable column subtable toggle if (typeof column.subtable !== 'undefined' && column.subtable) { // check if subtable toggle exist if ($(td).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-subtable').length > 0) return; // append subtable toggle $(td). html($(''). addClass(pfx + 'datatable-toggle-subtable'). attr('href', '#'). attr('data-value', value). attr('title', Plugin.getOption('detail.title')). on('click', toggleSubTable). append($('').css('width', $(td).data('width')).addClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.collapse')))); } } }); }); // $(datatable.tableHead).find('.'+pfx+'-datatable-row').first() }, /** * Datasource mapping callback */ dataMapCallback: function(raw) { // static dataset array var dataSet = raw; // dataset mapping callback if (typeof Plugin.getOption('data.source.read.map') === 'function') { return Plugin.getOption('data.source.read.map')(raw); } else { // default data mapping fallback if (typeof raw !== 'undefined' && typeof raw.data !== 'undefined') { dataSet = raw.data; } } return dataSet; }, isSpinning: false, /** * BlockUI spinner callback * @param block * @param target */ spinnerCallback: function(block, target) { if (typeof target === 'undefined') target = datatable; // get spinner options var spinnerOptions = Plugin.getOption('layout.spinner'); // spinner is disabled if (typeof spinnerOptions === 'undefined' || !spinnerOptions) { return; } if (block) { if (!Plugin.isSpinning) { if (typeof spinnerOptions.message !== 'undefined' && spinnerOptions.message === true) { // use default spinner message from translation spinnerOptions.message = Plugin.getOption('translate.records.processing'); } Plugin.isSpinning = true; if (typeof app !== 'undefined') { app.block(target, spinnerOptions); } } } else { Plugin.isSpinning = false; if (typeof app !== 'undefined') { app.unblock(target); } } }, /** * Default sort callback function * @param data * @param sort * @param column * @returns {*|Array.|{sort, field}|{asc, desc}} */ sortCallback: function(data, sort, column) { var type = column['type'] || 'string'; var format = column['format'] || ''; var field = column['field']; return $(data).sort(function(a, b) { var aField = a[field]; var bField = b[field]; switch (type) { case 'date': if (typeof moment === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Moment.js is required.'); } var diff = moment(aField, format).diff(moment(bField, format)); if (sort === 'asc') { return diff > 0 ? 1 : diff < 0 ? -1 : 0; } else { return diff < 0 ? 1 : diff > 0 ? -1 : 0; } break; case 'number': if (isNaN(parseFloat(aField)) && aField != null) { aField = Number(aField.replace(/[^0-9\.-]+/g, '')); } if (isNaN(parseFloat(bField)) && bField != null) { bField = Number(bField.replace(/[^0-9\.-]+/g, '')); } aField = parseFloat(aField); bField = parseFloat(bField); if (sort === 'asc') { return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0; } else { return aField < bField ? 1 : aField > bField ? -1 : 0; } break; case 'html': return $(data).sort(function(a, b) { // get the text only from html aField = $(a[field]).text(); bField = $(b[field]).text(); // sort if (sort === 'asc') { return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0; } else { return aField < bField ? 1 : aField > bField ? -1 : 0; } }); break; case 'string': default: if (sort === 'asc') { return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0; } else { return aField < bField ? 1 : aField > bField ? -1 : 0; } break; } }); }, /** * Custom debug log * @param text * @param obj */ log: function(text, obj) { if (typeof obj === 'undefined') obj = ''; if (datatable.debug) { console.log(text, obj); } }, /** * Auto hide columnds overflow in row */ autoHide: function() { var hiddenExist = false; // force hide enabled var hidDefault = $(datatable.table).find('[data-autohide-enabled]'); if (hidDefault.length) { hiddenExist = true; hidDefault.hide(); } var toggleHiddenColumns = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var row = $(this).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'); var detailRow = $(row).next(); if (!$(detailRow).hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-detail')) { $(this).find('i').removeClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.collapse')).addClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.expand')); var hiddenCells = $(row).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell:hidden'); var clonedCells = hiddenCells.clone().show(); detailRow = $('
').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-detail').attr('colspan', Plugin.getTotalColumns()).appendTo(detailRow); var detailSubTable = $(''); $(clonedCells).each(function() { var field = $(this).data('field'); var column = $.grep(options.columns, function(n, i) { return field === n.field; })[0]; if (typeof column === 'undefined' || column.visible !== false) { $(detailSubTable). append($(''). append($('').append($('').append(column.title))). append(this)); } }); $(detailRowTd).append(detailSubTable); } else { $(this).find('i').removeClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.expand')).addClass(Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.rowDetail.collapse')); $(detailRow).remove(); } }; setTimeout(function () { $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').show(); $(datatable.tableBody).each(function() { var recursive = 0; while ($(this)[0].offsetWidth < $(this)[0].scrollWidth && recursive < options.columns.length) { $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function(i) { var cell = $(this).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell:not(:hidden):not([data-autohide-disabled])').last(); $(cell).hide(); hiddenExist = true; }); recursive++; } }); if (hiddenExist) { // toggle show hidden columns $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').each(function() { // if no toggle yet if($(this).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-detail').length === 0) { // add toggle $(this).prepend($(''); $(datatable.tableFoot). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'). first(). prepend(''); } else { $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-detail').find('span'); } }); } }); Plugin.adjustCellsWidth.call(); }, /** * To enable auto columns features for remote data source */ setAutoColumns: function() { if (Plugin.getOption('data.autoColumns')) { $.each(datatable.dataSet[0], function(k, v) { var found = $.grep(options.columns, function(n, i) { return k === n.field; }); if (found.length === 0) { options.columns.push({field: k, title: k}); } }); $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').remove(); Plugin.setHeadTitle(); if (Plugin.getOption('layout.footer')) { $(datatable.tableFoot).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').remove(); Plugin.setHeadTitle(datatable.tableFoot); } } }, /******************** ** HELPERS ********************/ /** * Check if table is a locked colums table */ isLocked: function() { var isLocked = Plugin.lockEnabledColumns(); return isLocked.left.length > 0 || isLocked.right.length > 0; }, isSubtable: function() { return util.hasClass(datatable.wrap[0], pfx + 'datatable-subtable') || false; }, /** * Get total extra space of an element for width calculation, * including padding, margin, border * @param element * @returns {number} */ getExtraSpace: function(element) { var padding = parseInt($(element).css('paddingRight')) + parseInt($(element).css('paddingLeft')); var margin = parseInt($(element).css('marginRight')) + parseInt($(element).css('marginLeft')); var border = Math.ceil( $(element).css('border-right-width').replace('px', '')); return padding + margin + border; }, /** * Insert data of array into {{ }} template placeholder * @param template * @param data * @returns {*} */ dataPlaceholder: function(template, data) { var result = template; $.each(data, function(key, val) { result = result.replace('{{' + key + '}}', val); }); return result; }, /** * Get table unique ID * Note: table unique change each time refreshed * @param suffix * @returns {*} */ getTableId: function(suffix) { if (typeof suffix === 'undefined') suffix = ''; var id = $(datatable).attr('id'); if (typeof id === 'undefined') { id = $(datatable).attr('class').split(' ')[0]; } return id + suffix; }, /** * Get table prefix with depth number */ getTablePrefix: function(suffix) { if (typeof suffix !== 'undefined') suffix = '-' + suffix; return Plugin.getTableId() + '-' + Plugin.getDepth() + suffix; }, /** * Get current table depth of sub table * @returns {number} */ getDepth: function() { var depth = 0; var table = datatable.table; do { table = $(table).parents('.' + pfx + 'datatable-table'); depth++; } while ($(table).length > 0); return depth; }, /** * Keep state item * @param key * @param value */ stateKeep: function(key, value) { key = Plugin.getTablePrefix(key); if (Plugin.getOption('data.saveState') === false) return; if (localStorage) { localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } }, /** * Get state item * @param key * @param defValue */ stateGet: function(key, defValue) { key = Plugin.getTablePrefix(key); if (Plugin.getOption('data.saveState') === false) return; var value = null; if (localStorage) { value = localStorage.getItem(key); } if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { return JSON.parse(value); } }, /** * Update data in state without clear existing * @param key * @param value */ stateUpdate: function(key, value) { var ori = Plugin.stateGet(key); if (typeof ori === 'undefined' || ori === null) ori = {}; Plugin.stateKeep(key, $.extend({}, ori, value)); }, /** * Remove state item * @param key */ stateRemove: function(key) { key = Plugin.getTablePrefix(key); if (localStorage) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } }, /** * Get total columns. */ getTotalColumns: function(tablePart) { if (typeof tablePart === 'undefined') tablePart = datatable.tableBody; return $(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').first().find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell').length; }, /** * Get table row. Useful to get row when current table is in lock * mode. Can be used for both lock and normal table mode. By * default, returning result will be in a list of var result = $(tablePart).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row:not(.' + pfx + 'datatable-row-detail):nth-child(' + row + ')'); if (tdOnly) { // get list of
'). addClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell ' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-detail'). append($(''). addClass(pfx + 'datatable-toggle-detail'). attr('href', ''). on('click', toggleHiddenColumns). append(''))); } // check if subtable toggle exist if ($(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-toggle-detail').length === 0) { // add empty column to the header and footer $(datatable.tableHead). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'). first(). prepend('. * @param tablePart * @param row 1-based index * @param tdOnly Optional. Default true * @returns {*} */ getOneRow: function(tablePart, row, tdOnly) { if (typeof tdOnly === 'undefined') tdOnly = true; // get list of
or result = result.find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell'); } return result; }, /** * Sort table row at HTML level by column index. * todo; Not in use. * @param header Header sort clicked * @param sort asc|desc. Optional. Default asc * @param int Boolean. Optional. Comparison value parse to integer. * Default false */ sortColumn: function(header, sort, int) { if (typeof sort === 'undefined') sort = 'asc'; // desc if (typeof int === 'undefined') int = false; var column = $(header).index(); var rows = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'); var hIndex = $(header).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').index(); if (hIndex !== -1) { rows = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock:nth-child(' + (hIndex + 1) + ')').find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'); } var container = $(rows).parent(); $(rows).sort(function(a, b) { var tda = $(a).find('td:nth-child(' + column + ')').text(); var tdb = $(b).find('td:nth-child(' + column + ')').text(); if (int) { // useful for integer type sorting tda = parseInt(tda); tdb = parseInt(tdb); } if (sort === 'asc') { return tda > tdb ? 1 : tda < tdb ? -1 : 0; } else { return tda < tdb ? 1 : tda > tdb ? -1 : 0; } }).appendTo(container); }, /** * Perform sort remote and local */ sorting: function() { var sortObj = { init: function() { if (options.sortable) { $(datatable.tableHead). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell:not(.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell-check)'). addClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-sort'). off('click'). on('click', sortObj.sortClick); // first init sortObj.setIcon(); } }, setIcon: function() { var meta = Plugin.getDataSourceParam('sort'); if ($.isEmptyObject(meta)) return; var column = Plugin.getColumnByField(meta.field); // sort is disabled for this column if (typeof column === 'undefined') return; if (typeof column.sortable !== 'undefined' && column.sortable === false) return; if (typeof column.selector !== 'undefined' && column.selector === true) return; // sort icon beside column header var td = $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell[data-field="' + meta.field + '"]').attr('data-sort', meta.sort); var sorting = $(td).find('span'); var icon = $(sorting).find('i'); var icons = Plugin.getOption('layout.icons.sort'); // update sort icon; desc & asc if ($(icon).length > 0) { $(icon).removeAttr('class').addClass(icons[meta.sort]); } else { $(sorting).append($('').addClass(icons[meta.sort])); } // set sorted class to header on init $(td).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-sorted'); }, sortClick: function(e) { var meta = Plugin.getDataSourceParam('sort'); var field = $(this).data('field'); var column = Plugin.getColumnByField(field); // sort is disabled for this column if (typeof column === 'undefined') return; if (typeof column.sortable !== 'undefined' && column.sortable === false) return; if (typeof column.selector !== 'undefined' && column.selector === true) return; // set sorted class to header $(datatable.tableHead).find('th').removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-cell-sorted'); util.addClass(this, pfx + 'datatable-cell-sorted'); $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell > span > i').remove(); if (options.sortable) { Plugin.spinnerCallback(true); var sort = 'desc'; if (Plugin.getObject('field', meta) === field) { sort = Plugin.getObject('sort', meta); } // toggle sort sort = typeof sort === 'undefined' || sort === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; // update field and sort params meta = {field: field, sort: sort}; Plugin.setDataSourceParam('sort', meta); sortObj.setIcon(); setTimeout(function() { Plugin.dataRender('sort'); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-sort', meta); }, 300); } }, }; sortObj.init(); }, /** * Update JSON data list linked with sort, filter and pagination. * Call this method, before using dataSet variable. * @returns {*|null} */ localDataUpdate: function() { var params = Plugin.getDataSourceParam(); if (typeof datatable.originalDataSet === 'undefined') { datatable.originalDataSet = datatable.dataSet; } var field = Plugin.getObject('sort.field', params); var sort = Plugin.getObject('sort.sort', params); var column = Plugin.getColumnByField(field); if (typeof column !== 'undefined' && Plugin.getOption('data.serverSorting') !== true) { if (typeof column.sortCallback === 'function') { datatable.dataSet = column.sortCallback(datatable.originalDataSet, sort, column); } else { datatable.dataSet = Plugin.sortCallback(datatable.originalDataSet, sort, column); } } else { datatable.dataSet = datatable.originalDataSet; } // if server filter enable, don't pass local filter if (typeof params.query === 'object' && !Plugin.getOption('data.serverFiltering')) { params.query = params.query || {}; var nestedSearch = function(obj) { for (var field in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(field)) continue; if (typeof obj[field] === 'string') { if (obj[field].toLowerCase() == search || obj[field].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) !== -1) { return true; } } else if (typeof obj[field] === 'number') { if (obj[field] === search) { return true; } } else if (typeof obj[field] === 'object') { if (nestedSearch(obj[field])) { return true; } } } return false; }; var search = $(Plugin.getOption('search.input')).val(); if (typeof search !== 'undefined' && search !== '') { search = search.toLowerCase(); datatable.dataSet = $.grep(datatable.dataSet, nestedSearch); // remove generalSearch as we don't need this for next columns filter delete params.query[Plugin.getGeneralSearchKey()]; } // remove empty element from array $.each(params.query, function(k, v) { if (v === '') { delete params.query[k]; } }); // filter array by query datatable.dataSet = Plugin.filterArray(datatable.dataSet, params.query); // reset array index datatable.dataSet = datatable.dataSet.filter(function() { return true; }); } return datatable.dataSet; }, /** * Utility helper to filter array by object pair of {key:value} * @param list * @param args * @param operator * @returns {*} */ filterArray: function(list, args, operator) { if (typeof list !== 'object') { return []; } if (typeof operator === 'undefined') operator = 'AND'; if (typeof args !== 'object') { return list; } operator = operator.toUpperCase(); if ($.inArray(operator, ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT']) === -1) { return []; } var count = Object.keys(args).length; var filtered = []; $.each(list, function(key, obj) { var to_match = obj; var matched = 0; $.each(args, function(m_key, m_value) { m_value = m_value instanceof Array ? m_value : [m_value]; var match_property = Plugin.getObject(m_key, to_match); if (typeof match_property !== 'undefined' && match_property) { var lhs = match_property.toString().toLowerCase(); m_value.forEach(function(item, index) { if (item.toString().toLowerCase() == lhs || lhs.indexOf(item.toString().toLowerCase()) !== -1) { matched++; } }); } }); if (('AND' == operator && matched == count) || ('OR' == operator && matched > 0) || ('NOT' == operator && 0 == matched)) { filtered[key] = obj; } }); list = filtered; return list; }, /** * Reset lock column scroll to 0 when resize */ resetScroll: function() { if (typeof options.detail === 'undefined' && Plugin.getDepth() === 1) { $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').css('left', 0); $(datatable.table).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock').css('top', 0); $(datatable.tableBody).scrollTop(0); } }, /** * Get column options by field * @param field * @returns {boolean} */ getColumnByField: function(field) { if (typeof field === 'undefined') return; var result; $.each(options.columns, function(i, column) { if (field === column.field) { result = column; return false; } }); return result; }, /** * Get default sort column */ getDefaultSortColumn: function() { var result; $.each(options.columns, function(i, column) { if (typeof column.sortable !== 'undefined' && $.inArray(column.sortable, ['asc', 'desc']) !== -1) { result = {sort: column.sortable, field: column.field}; return false; } }); return result; }, /** * Helper to get element dimensions, when the element is hidden * @param element * @param includeMargin * @returns {{width: number, height: number, innerWidth: number, * innerHeight: number, outerWidth: number, outerHeight: * number}} */ getHiddenDimensions: function(element, includeMargin) { var props = { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block', }, dim = { width: 0, height: 0, innerWidth: 0, innerHeight: 0, outerWidth: 0, outerHeight: 0, }, hiddenParents = $(element).parents().addBack().not(':visible'); includeMargin = (typeof includeMargin === 'boolean') ? includeMargin : false; var oldProps = []; hiddenParents.each(function() { var old = {}; for (var name in props) { old[name] = this.style[name]; this.style[name] = props[name]; } oldProps.push(old); }); dim.width = $(element).width(); dim.outerWidth = $(element).outerWidth(includeMargin); dim.innerWidth = $(element).innerWidth(); dim.height = $(element).height(); dim.innerHeight = $(element).innerHeight(); dim.outerHeight = $(element).outerHeight(includeMargin); hiddenParents.each(function(i) { var old = oldProps[i]; for (var name in props) { this.style[name] = old[name]; } }); return dim; }, getGeneralSearchKey: function() { var searchInput = $(Plugin.getOption('search.input')); return Plugin.getOption('search.key') || $(searchInput).prop('name'); }, /** * Get value by dot notation path string and to prevent undefined * errors * @param path String Dot notation path in string * @param object Object to iterate * @returns {*} */ getObject: function(path, object) { return path.split('.').reduce(function(obj, i) { return obj !== null && typeof obj[i] !== 'undefined' ? obj[i] : null; }, object); }, /** * Extend object * @param obj * @param path * @param value * @returns {*} */ extendObj: function(obj, path, value) { var levels = path.split('.'), i = 0; function createLevel(child) { var name = levels[i++]; if (typeof child[name] !== 'undefined' && child[name] !== null) { if (typeof child[name] !== 'object' && typeof child[name] !== 'function') { child[name] = {}; } } else { child[name] = {}; } if (i === levels.length) { child[name] = value; } else { createLevel(child[name]); } } createLevel(obj); return obj; }, rowEvenOdd: function() { // row even class $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-even'); if ($(datatable.wrap).hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-subtable')) { $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row:not(.' + pfx + 'datatable-row-detail):even').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-even'); } else { $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row:nth-child(even)').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-even'); } }, /******************** ** PUBLIC API METHODS ********************/ // delay timer timer: 0, /** * Redraw datatable by recalculating its DOM elements, etc. * @returns {jQuery} */ redraw: function() { Plugin.adjustCellsWidth.call(); if (Plugin.isLocked()) { // fix hiding cell width issue Plugin.scrollbar(); Plugin.resetScroll(); Plugin.adjustCellsHeight.call(); } Plugin.adjustLockContainer.call(); Plugin.initHeight.call(); return datatable; }, /** * Shortcode to reload * @returns {jQuery} */ load: function() { Plugin.reload(); return datatable; }, /** * Datasource reload * @returns {jQuery} */ reload: function() { var delay = (function() { return function(callback, ms) { clearTimeout(Plugin.timer); Plugin.timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); delay(function() { // local only. remote pagination will skip this block if (!options.data.serverFiltering) { Plugin.localDataUpdate(); } Plugin.dataRender(); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-reloaded'); }, Plugin.getOption('search.delay')); return datatable; }, /** * Get record by record ID * @param id * @returns {jQuery} */ getRecord: function(id) { if (typeof datatable.tableBody === 'undefined') datatable.tableBody = $(datatable.table).children('tbody'); $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell:first-child').each(function(i, cell) { if (id == $(cell).text()) { var rowNumber = $(cell).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row').index() + 1; datatable.API.record = datatable.API.value = Plugin.getOneRow(datatable.tableBody, rowNumber); return datatable; } }); return datatable; }, /** * @deprecated in v5.0.6 * Get column of current record ID * @param columnName * @returns {jQuery} */ getColumn: function(columnName) { Plugin.setSelectedRecords(); datatable.API.value = $(datatable.API.record).find('[data-field="' + columnName + '"]'); return datatable; }, /** * Destroy datatable to original DOM state before datatable was * initialized * @returns {jQuery} */ destroy: function() { $(datatable).parent().find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager').remove(); var initialDatatable = $(datatable.initialDatatable).addClass(pfx + 'datatable-destroyed').show(); $(datatable).replaceWith(initialDatatable); datatable = initialDatatable; $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-destroy'); Plugin.isInit = false; // clean up variables initialDatatable = null; datatable.dataSet = null; datatable.originalDataSet = null; datatable.tableHead = null; datatable.tableBody = null; datatable.table = null; datatable.wrap = null; datatable.API = { record: null, value: null, params: null, }; Plugin.ajaxParams = {}; Plugin.pagingObject = {}; Plugin.nodeTr = []; Plugin.nodeTd = []; Plugin.nodeCols = []; Plugin.recentNode = []; return initialDatatable; }, /** * Sort by column field * @param field * @param sort */ sort: function(field, sort) { // toggle sort sort = typeof sort === 'undefined' ? 'asc' : sort; Plugin.spinnerCallback(true); // update field and sort params var meta = {field: field, sort: sort}; Plugin.setDataSourceParam('sort', meta); setTimeout(function() { Plugin.dataRender('sort'); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-sort', meta); $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell > span > i').remove(); }, 300); return datatable; }, /** * @deprecated in v5.0.6 * Get current selected column value * @returns {jQuery} */ getValue: function() { return $(datatable.API.value).text(); }, /** * Set checkbox active * @param cell JQuery selector or checkbox ID */ setActive: function(cell) { if (typeof cell === 'string') { // set by checkbox id cell = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-single > [type="checkbox"][value="' + cell + '"]'); } $(cell).prop('checked', true); var ids = []; $(cell).each(function(i, td) { // normal table var row = $(td).closest('tr').addClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-active'); var id = $(td).attr('value'); if (typeof id !== 'undefined') { ids.push(id); } }); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-check', [ids]); }, /** * Set checkbox inactive * @param cell JQuery selector or checkbox ID */ setInactive: function(cell) { if (typeof cell === 'string') { // set by checkbox id cell = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-single > [type="checkbox"][value="' + cell + '"]'); } $(cell).prop('checked', false); var ids = []; $(cell).each(function(i, td) { // normal table var row = $(td).closest('tr').removeClass(pfx + 'datatable-row-active'); var id = $(td).attr('value'); if (typeof id !== 'undefined') { ids.push(id); } }); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-uncheck', [ids]); }, /** * Set all checkboxes active or inactive * @param active */ setActiveAll: function(active) { var checkboxes = $(datatable.table). find('> tbody, > thead'). find('tr').not('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row-subtable'). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell-check [type="checkbox"]'); if (active) { Plugin.setActive(checkboxes); } else { Plugin.setInactive(checkboxes); } }, /** * @deprecated in v5.0.6 * Get selected rows which are active * @returns {jQuery} */ setSelectedRecords: function() { datatable.API.record = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row-active'); return datatable; }, /** * Get selected records * @returns {null} */ getSelectedRecords: function() { // support old method Plugin.setSelectedRecords(); datatable.API.record = datatable.rows('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row-active').nodes(); return datatable.API.record; }, /** * Get options by dots notation path * @param path String Dot notation path in string * @returns {*} */ getOption: function(path) { return Plugin.getObject(path, options); }, /** * Set global options nodes by dots notation path * @param path * @param object */ setOption: function(path, object) { options = Plugin.extendObj(options, path, object); }, /** * Search filter for local & remote * @param value * @param columns. Optional list of columns to be filtered. */ search: function(value, columns) { if (typeof columns !== 'undefined') columns = $.makeArray(columns); var delay = (function() { return function(callback, ms) { clearTimeout(Plugin.timer); Plugin.timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); delay(function() { // get query parameters var query = Plugin.getDataSourceQuery(); // search not by columns if (typeof columns === 'undefined' && typeof value !== 'undefined') { var key = Plugin.getGeneralSearchKey(); query[key] = value; } // search by columns, support multiple columns if (typeof columns === 'object') { $.each(columns, function(k, column) { query[column] = value; }); // remove empty element from arrays $.each(query, function(k, v) { if (v === '' || $.isEmptyObject(v)) { delete query[k]; } }); } Plugin.setDataSourceQuery(query); // reset pagination to 1 when doing seearching datatable.setDataSourceParam('pagination', Object.assign({}, datatable.getDataSourceParam('pagination'), {page: 1})); // local filter only. remote pagination will skip this block if (!options.data.serverFiltering) { Plugin.localDataUpdate(); } Plugin.dataRender('search'); }, Plugin.getOption('search.delay')); }, /** * Set datasource params extract * @param param * @param value */ setDataSourceParam: function(param, value) { datatable.API.params = $.extend({}, { pagination: {page: 1, perpage: Plugin.getOption('data.pageSize')}, sort: Plugin.getDefaultSortColumn(), query: {}, }, datatable.API.params, Plugin.stateGet(Plugin.stateId)); datatable.API.params = Plugin.extendObj(datatable.API.params, param, value); Plugin.stateKeep(Plugin.stateId, datatable.API.params); }, /** * Get datasource params * @param param */ getDataSourceParam: function(param) { datatable.API.params = $.extend({}, { pagination: {page: 1, perpage: Plugin.getOption('data.pageSize')}, sort: Plugin.getDefaultSortColumn(), query: {}, }, datatable.API.params, Plugin.stateGet(Plugin.stateId)); if (typeof param === 'string') { return Plugin.getObject(param, datatable.API.params); } return datatable.API.params; }, /** * Shortcode to datatable.getDataSourceParam('query'); * @returns {*} */ getDataSourceQuery: function() { return Plugin.getDataSourceParam('query') || {}; }, /** * Shortcode to datatable.setDataSourceParam('query', query); * @param query */ setDataSourceQuery: function(query) { Plugin.setDataSourceParam('query', query); }, /** * Get current page number * @returns {number} */ getCurrentPage: function() { return $(datatable.table). siblings('.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager'). last(). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager-nav'). find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager-link.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager-link-active'). data('page') || 1; }, /** * Get selected dropdown page size * @returns {*|number} */ getPageSize: function() { return $(datatable.table).siblings('.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager').last().find('select.' + pfx + 'datatable-pager-size').val() || 10; }, /** * Get total rows */ getTotalRows: function() { return datatable.API.params.pagination.total; }, /** * Get full dataset in grid * @returns {*|null|Array} */ getDataSet: function() { return datatable.originalDataSet; }, nodeTr: [], nodeTd: [], nodeCols: [], recentNode: [], table: function() { if (typeof datatable.table !== 'undefined') { return datatable.table; } }, /** * Select a single row from the table * @param selector * @returns {jQuery} */ row: function(selector) { Plugin.rows(selector); Plugin.nodeTr = Plugin.recentNode = $(Plugin.nodeTr).first(); return datatable; }, /** * Select multiple rows from the table * @param selector * @returns {jQuery} */ rows: function(selector) { if (Plugin.isLocked()) { Plugin.nodeTr = Plugin.recentNode = $(datatable.tableBody).find(selector).filter('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-scroll > .' + pfx + 'datatable-row'); } else { Plugin.nodeTr = Plugin.recentNode = $(datatable.tableBody).find(selector).filter('.' + pfx + 'datatable-row'); } return datatable; }, /** * Select a single column from the table * @param index zero-based index * @returns {jQuery} */ column: function(index) { Plugin.nodeCols = Plugin.recentNode = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell:nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ')'); return datatable; }, /** * Select multiple columns from the table * @param selector * @returns {jQuery} */ columns: function(selector) { var context = datatable.table; if (Plugin.nodeTr === Plugin.recentNode) { context = Plugin.nodeTr; } var columns = $(context).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell[data-field="' + selector + '"]'); if (columns.length > 0) { Plugin.nodeCols = Plugin.recentNode = columns; } else { Plugin.nodeCols = Plugin.recentNode = $(context).find(selector).filter('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell'); } return datatable; }, cell: function(selector) { Plugin.cells(selector); Plugin.nodeTd = Plugin.recentNode = $(Plugin.nodeTd).first(); return datatable; }, cells: function(selector) { var cells = $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'datatable-cell'); if (typeof selector !== 'undefined') { cells = $(cells).filter(selector); } Plugin.nodeTd = Plugin.recentNode = cells; return datatable; }, /** * Delete the selected row from the table * @returns {jQuery} */ remove: function() { if ($(Plugin.nodeTr.length) && Plugin.nodeTr === Plugin.recentNode) { $(Plugin.nodeTr).remove(); } Plugin.layoutUpdate(); return datatable; }, /** * Show or hide the columns or rows */ visible: function(bool) { if ($(Plugin.recentNode.length)) { var locked = Plugin.lockEnabledColumns(); if (Plugin.recentNode === Plugin.nodeCols) { var index = Plugin.recentNode.index(); if (Plugin.isLocked()) { var scrollColumns = $(Plugin.recentNode).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-scroll').length; if (scrollColumns) { // is at center of scrollable area index += locked.left.length + 1; } else if ($(Plugin.recentNode).closest('.' + pfx + 'datatable-lock-right').length) { // is at the right locked table index += locked.left.length + scrollColumns + 1; } } } if (bool) { if (Plugin.recentNode === Plugin.nodeCols) { delete options.columns[index].visible; } $(Plugin.recentNode).show(); } else { if (Plugin.recentNode === Plugin.nodeCols) { Plugin.setOption('columns.' + (index) + '.visible', false); } $(Plugin.recentNode).hide(); } Plugin.columnHide(); Plugin.redraw(); } }, /** * Get the the DOM element for the selected rows or columns * @returns {Array} */ nodes: function() { return Plugin.recentNode; }, /** * will be implemented soon * @returns {jQuery} */ dataset: function() { return datatable; }, /** * Open page by number * @param page number */ gotoPage: function (page) { if (typeof Plugin.pagingObject !== 'undefined') { Plugin.isInit = true; Plugin.pagingObject.openPage(page); } }, }; /** * Public API methods can be used directly by datatable */ $.each(Plugin, function(funcName, func) { datatable[funcName] = func; }); // initialize main datatable plugin if (typeof options !== 'undefined') { if (typeof options === 'string') { var method = options; datatable = $(this).data(pluginName); if (typeof datatable !== 'undefined') { options = datatable.options; Plugin[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } } else { if (!datatable.data(pluginName) && !$(this).hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-loaded')) { datatable.dataSet = null; datatable.textAlign = { left: pfx + 'datatable-cell-left', center: pfx + 'datatable-cell-center', right: pfx + 'datatable-cell-right', }; // merge default and user defined options options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn[pluginName].defaults, options); datatable.options = options; // init plugin process Plugin.init.apply(this, [options]); $(datatable.wrap).data(pluginName, datatable); } } } else { // get existing instance datatable datatable = $(this).data(pluginName); if (typeof datatable === 'undefined') { $.error(pluginName + ' not initialized'); } options = datatable.options; } return datatable; }; // default options $.fn[pluginName].defaults = { // datasource definition data: { type: 'local', source: null, pageSize: 10, // display records per page saveState: true, serverPaging: false, serverFiltering: false, serverSorting: false, autoColumns: false, attr: { rowProps: [], }, }, // layout definition layout: { theme: 'default', // datatable will support multiple themes and designs class: pfx + 'datatable-primary', // custom wrapper class scroll: false, // enable/disable datatable scroll both horizontal and vertical when needed. height: null, // datatable's body's fixed height minHeight: null, footer: false, // display/hide footer header: true, // display/hide header customScrollbar: true, // set false to disable custom scrollbar // datatable spinner spinner: { overlayColor: '#000000', opacity: 0, type: 'loader', state: 'primary', message: true, }, // datatable UI icons icons: { sort: {asc: 'flaticon2-arrow-up', desc: 'flaticon2-arrow-down'}, pagination: { next: 'flaticon2-next', prev: 'flaticon2-back', first: 'flaticon2-fast-back', last: 'flaticon2-fast-next', more: 'flaticon-more-1', }, rowDetail: {expand: 'fa fa-caret-down', collapse: 'fa fa-caret-right'}, }, }, // column sorting sortable: true, // resize column size with mouse drag coming soon) resizable: false, // column based filtering (coming soon) filterable: false, pagination: true, // inline and bactch editing (cooming soon) editable: false, // columns definition columns: [], search: { // enable trigger search by keyup enter onEnter: false, // input text for search input: null, // search delay in milliseconds delay: 400, // remote server search key value key: null }, rows: { // deprecated callback: function() { }, // call before row template beforeTemplate: function() { }, // call after row template afterTemplate: function() { }, autoHide: true, }, // toolbar toolbar: { // place pagination and displayInfo blocks according to the array order layout: ['pagination', 'info'], // toolbar placement can be at top or bottom or both top and bottom repeated placement: ['bottom'], //'top', 'bottom' // toolbar items items: { // pagination pagination: { // pagination type(default or scroll) type: 'default', // number of pages to display by breakpoints pages: { desktop: { layout: 'default', pagesNumber: 5, }, tablet: { layout: 'default', pagesNumber: 3, }, mobile: { layout: 'compact', }, }, // navigation buttons navigation: { prev: true, // display prev button next: true, // display next button first: true, // display first button last: true, // display last button more: false // display more button }, // page size select pageSizeSelect: [], // display dropdown to select pagination size. -1 is used for "ALl" option }, // records info info: true, }, }, // here we will keep all strings and message used by datatable UI so developer can easiliy translate to any language. // By default the stirngs will be in the plugin source and here can override it translate: { records: { processing: 'Please wait...', noRecords: 'No records found', }, toolbar: { pagination: { items: { default: { first: 'First', prev: 'Previous', next: 'Next', last: 'Last', more: 'More pages', input: 'Page number', select: 'Select page size', all: 'all', }, info: 'Showing {{start}} - {{end}} of {{total}}', }, }, }, }, extensions: {}, }; }(jQuery)); "use strict"; (function($) { var pluginName = 'KTDatatable'; var pfx = ''; $.fn[pluginName] = $.fn[pluginName] || {}; /** * @param datatable Main datatable plugin instance * @param options Extension options * @returns {*} */ $.fn[pluginName].checkbox = function(datatable, options) { var Extension = { selectedAllRows: false, selectedRows: [], unselectedRows: [], init: function() { if (Extension.selectorEnabled()) { // reset datatable.setDataSourceParam(options.vars.selectedAllRows, false); datatable.stateRemove('checkbox'); // requestIds is not null if (options.vars.requestIds) { // request ids in response datatable.setDataSourceParam(options.vars.requestIds, true); } // remove selected checkbox on datatable reload $(datatable).on(pfx + 'datatable-on-reloaded', function() { datatable.stateRemove('checkbox'); datatable.setDataSourceParam(options.vars.selectedAllRows, false); Extension.selectedAllRows = false; Extension.selectedRows = []; Extension.unselectedRows = []; }); // select all on extension init Extension.selectedAllRows = datatable.getDataSourceParam(options.vars.selectedAllRows); $(datatable).on(pfx + 'datatable-on-layout-updated', function(e, args) { if (args.table != $(datatable.wrap).attr('id')) { return; } datatable.ready(function() { Extension.initVars(); Extension.initEvent(); Extension.initSelect(); }); }); $(datatable).on(pfx + 'datatable-on-check', function(e, ids) { ids.forEach(function(id) { Extension.selectedRows.push(id); // // remove from unselected rows Extension.unselectedRows = Extension.remove(Extension.unselectedRows, id); }); var storage = {}; storage['selectedRows'] = $.unique(Extension.selectedRows); storage['unselectedRows'] = $.unique(Extension.unselectedRows); datatable.stateKeep('checkbox', storage); }); $(datatable).on(pfx + 'datatable-on-uncheck', function(e, ids) { ids.forEach(function(id) { Extension.unselectedRows.push(id); // // remove from selected rows Extension.selectedRows = Extension.remove(Extension.selectedRows, id); }); var storage = {}; storage['selectedRows'] = $.unique(Extension.selectedRows); storage['unselectedRows'] = $.unique(Extension.unselectedRows); datatable.stateKeep('checkbox', storage); }); } }, /** * Init checkbox clicks event */ initEvent: function() { // select all checkbox click $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-all > [type="checkbox"]').click(function(e) { // clear selected and unselected rows Extension.selectedRows = Extension.unselectedRows = []; datatable.stateRemove('checkbox'); // select all rows Extension.selectedAllRows = !!$(this).is(':checked'); // local select all current page rows if (!options.vars.requestIds) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { Extension.selectedRows = $.makeArray($(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-single > [type="checkbox"]').map(function(i, chk) { return $(chk).val(); })); } var storage = {}; storage['selectedRows'] = $.unique(Extension.selectedRows); datatable.stateKeep('checkbox', storage); } // keep selectedAllRows in datasource params datatable.setDataSourceParam(options.vars.selectedAllRows, Extension.selectedAllRows); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-click-checkbox', [$(this)]); }); // single row checkbox click $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-single > [type="checkbox"]').click(function(e) { var id = $(this).val(); if ($(this).is(':checked')) { Extension.selectedRows.push(id); // remove from unselected rows Extension.unselectedRows = Extension.remove(Extension.unselectedRows, id); } else { Extension.unselectedRows.push(id); // remove from selected rows Extension.selectedRows = Extension.remove(Extension.selectedRows, id); } // local checkbox header check if (!options.vars.requestIds && Extension.selectedRows.length < 1) { // remove select all checkbox, if there is no checked checkbox left $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-all > [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); } var storage = {}; storage['selectedRows'] = Extension.selectedRows.filter(Extension.unique); storage['unselectedRows'] = Extension.unselectedRows.filter(Extension.unique); datatable.stateKeep('checkbox', storage); $(datatable).trigger(pfx + 'datatable-on-click-checkbox', [$(this)]); }); }, unique: function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }, initSelect: function() { // selected all rows from server if (Extension.selectedAllRows && options.vars.requestIds) { if (!datatable.hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-error')) { // set header select all checkbox checked $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-all > [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true); } // set all checkbox in table body datatable.setActiveAll(true); // remove unselected rows Extension.unselectedRows.forEach(function(id) { datatable.setInactive(id); }); } else { // single check for server and local Extension.selectedRows.forEach(function(id) { datatable.setActive(id); }); // local checkbox; check if all checkboxes of currect page are checked if (!datatable.hasClass(pfx + 'datatable-error') && $(datatable.tableBody).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-single > [type="checkbox"]').not(':checked').length < 1) { // set header select all checkbox checked $(datatable.tableHead).find('.' + pfx + 'checkbox-all > [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true); } } }, /** * Check if selector is enabled from options */ selectorEnabled: function() { return $.grep(datatable.options.columns, function(n, i) { return n.selector || false; })[0]; }, initVars: function() { // get single select/unselect from localstorage var storage = datatable.stateGet('checkbox'); if (typeof storage !== 'undefined') { Extension.selectedRows = storage['selectedRows'] || []; Extension.unselectedRows = storage['unselectedRows'] || []; } }, getSelectedId: function(path) { Extension.initVars(); // server selected all rows if (Extension.selectedAllRows && options.vars.requestIds) { if (typeof path === 'undefined') { path = options.vars.rowIds; } // if selected all rows, return id from response meta var selectedAllRows = datatable.getObject(path, datatable.lastResponse) || []; if (selectedAllRows.length > 0) { // remove single unselected rows from selectedAllRows ids from server response emta Extension.unselectedRows.forEach(function(id) { selectedAllRows = Extension.remove(selectedAllRows, parseInt(id)); }); } return $.unique(selectedAllRows); } // else return single checked selected rows return Extension.selectedRows; }, remove: function(array, element) { return array.filter(function(e) { return e !== element; }); }, }; // make the extension accessible from datatable init datatable.checkbox = function() { return Extension; }; if (typeof options === 'object') { options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn[pluginName].checkbox.default, options); Extension.init.apply(this, [options]); } return datatable; }; $.fn[pluginName].checkbox.default = { vars: { // select all rows flag to be sent to the server selectedAllRows: 'selectedAllRows', // request id parameter's name requestIds: 'requestIds', // response path to all rows id rowIds: 'meta.rowIds', }, }; }(jQuery)); var defaults = { layout: { icons: { pagination: { next: 'flaticon2-next', prev: 'flaticon2-back', first: 'flaticon2-fast-back', last: 'flaticon2-fast-next', more: 'flaticon-more-1', }, rowDetail: {expand: 'fa fa-caret-down', collapse: 'fa fa-caret-right'}, } } }; if (KTUtil.isRTL()) { defaults = { layout: { icons: { pagination: { next: 'flaticon2-back', prev: 'flaticon2-next', first: 'flaticon2-fast-next', last: 'flaticon2-fast-back', }, rowDetail: {collapse: 'fa fa-caret-down', expand: 'fa fa-caret-right'}, } } } } $.extend(true, $.fn.KTDatatable.defaults, defaults); "use strict"; // Initialization KTUtil.ready(function() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layout Base Partials(mandatory for core layout)// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init Desktop & Mobile Headers KTLayoutHeader.init('kt_header', 'kt_header_mobile'); // Init Header Menu KTLayoutHeaderMenu.init('kt_header_menu', 'kt_header_menu_wrapper'); // Init Header Topbar For Mobile Mode KTLayoutHeaderTopbar.init('kt_header_mobile_topbar_toggle'); // Init Brand Panel For Logo KTLayoutBrand.init('kt_brand'); // Init Aside KTLayoutAside.init('kt_aside'); // Init Aside Menu Toggle KTLayoutAsideToggle.init('kt_aside_toggle'); // Init Aside Menu KTLayoutAsideMenu.init('kt_aside_menu'); // Init Subheader KTLayoutSubheader.init('kt_subheader'); // Init Content KTLayoutContent.init('kt_content'); // Init Footer KTLayoutFooter.init('kt_footer'); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Layout Extended Partials(optional to use)// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init Scrolltop KTLayoutScrolltop.init('kt_scrolltop'); // Init Sticky Card KTLayoutStickyCard.init('kt_page_sticky_card'); // Init Stretched Card KTLayoutStretchedCard.init('kt_page_stretched_card'); // Init Code Highlighter & Preview Blocks(used to demonstrate the theme features) KTLayoutExamples.init(); // Init Demo Selection Panel KTLayoutDemoPanel.init('kt_demo_panel'); // Init Chat App(quick modal chat) KTLayoutChat.init(); // Init Quick Actions Offcanvas Panel KTLayoutQuickActions.init('kt_quick_actions'); // Init Quick Notifications Offcanvas Panel KTLayoutQuickNotifications.init('kt_quick_notifications'); // Init Quick Offcanvas Panel KTLayoutQuickPanel.init('kt_quick_panel'); // Init Quick User Panel KTLayoutQuickUser.init('kt_quick_user'); // Init Quick Search Panel KTLayoutQuickSearch.init('kt_quick_search'); // Init Quick Cart Panel KTLayoutQuickCartPanel.init('kt_quick_cart'); // Init Search For Quick Search Dropdown KTLayoutSearch().init('kt_quick_search_dropdown'); // Init Search For Quick Search Offcanvas Panel KTLayoutSearchOffcanvas().init('kt_quick_search_offcanvas'); }); "use strict"; // Class definition var KTLayoutChat = function () { // Private functions var _init = function (element) { var scrollEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.scroll'); var cardBodyEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.card-body'); var cardHeaderEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.card-header'); var cardFooterEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.card-footer'); if (!scrollEl) { return; } // initialize perfect scrollbar(see: https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar) KTUtil.scrollInit(scrollEl, { windowScroll: false, // allow browser scroll when the scroll reaches the end of the side mobileNativeScroll: true, // enable native scroll for mobile desktopNativeScroll: false, // disable native scroll and use custom scroll for desktop resetHeightOnDestroy: true, // reset css height on scroll feature destroyed handleWindowResize: true, // recalculate hight on window resize rememberPosition: true, // remember scroll position in cookie height: function() { // calculate height var height; if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg')) { // Mobile mode return KTUtil.hasAttr(scrollEl, 'data-mobile-height') ? parseInt(KTUtil.attr(scrollEl, 'data-mobile-height')) : 400; } else if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') && KTUtil.hasAttr(scrollEl, 'data-height')) { // Desktop Mode return parseInt(KTUtil.attr(scrollEl, 'data-height')); } else { height = KTLayoutContent.getHeight(); if (scrollEl) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(scrollEl, 'margin-top')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(scrollEl, 'margin-bottom')); } if (cardHeaderEl) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardHeaderEl, 'height')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardHeaderEl, 'margin-top')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardHeaderEl, 'margin-bottom')); } if (cardBodyEl) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBodyEl, 'padding-top')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBodyEl, 'padding-bottom')); } if (cardFooterEl) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardFooterEl, 'height')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardFooterEl, 'margin-top')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardFooterEl, 'margin-bottom')); } } // Remove additional space height = height - 2; return height; } }); // attach events KTUtil.on(element, '.card-footer textarea', 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { _handeMessaging(element); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); KTUtil.on(element, '.card-footer .chat-send', 'click', function(e) { _handeMessaging(element); }); } var _handeMessaging = function(element) { var messagesEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.messages'); var scrollEl = KTUtil.find(element, '.scroll'); var textarea = KTUtil.find(element, 'textarea'); if (textarea.value.length === 0 ) { return; } var node = document.createElement("DIV"); KTUtil.addClass(node, 'd-flex flex-column mb-5 align-items-end'); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' 2 Hours'; html += ' You'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' Pic'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + textarea.value + '
'; KTUtil.setHTML(node, html); messagesEl.appendChild(node); textarea.value = ''; scrollEl.scrollTop = parseInt(KTUtil.css(messagesEl, 'height')); var ps; if (ps = KTUtil.data(scrollEl).get('ps')) { ps.update(); } setTimeout(function() { var node = document.createElement("DIV"); KTUtil.addClass(node, 'd-flex flex-column mb-5 align-items-start'); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' Pic'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' Matt Pears'; html += ' Just now'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += 'Right before vacation season we have the next Big Deal for you.'; html += '
'; KTUtil.setHTML(node, html); messagesEl.appendChild(node); textarea.value = ''; scrollEl.scrollTop = parseInt(KTUtil.css(messagesEl, 'height')); var ps; if (ps = KTUtil.data(scrollEl).get('ps')) { ps.update(); } }, 2000); } // Public methods return { init: function() { // init modal chat example _init(KTUtil.getById('kt_chat_modal')); // trigger click to show popup modal chat on page load if (encodeURI(window.location.hostname) == 'keenthemes.com' || encodeURI(window.location.hostname) == 'www.keenthemes.com') { setTimeout(function() { if (!KTCookie.getCookie('kt_app_chat_shown')) { var expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000); // expire in 60 minutes from now KTCookie.setCookie('kt_app_chat_shown', 1, { expires: expires }); if (KTUtil.getById('kt_app_chat_launch_btn')) { KTUtil.getById('kt_app_chat_launch_btn').click(); } } }, 2000); } }, setup: function(element) { _init(element); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutChat; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutDemoPanel = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_demo_panel_close', toggleBy: 'kt_demo_panel_toggle' }); var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); var wrapper = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-wrapper'); var footer = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-footer'); KTUtil.scrollInit(wrapper, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } if (wrapper) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(wrapper, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(wrapper, 'marginBottom')); } if (footer) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(footer)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(footer, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(footer, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); if (typeof offcanvas !== 'undefined' && offcanvas.length === 0) { offcanvas.on('hide', function() { var expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000); // expire in 60 minutes from now KTCookie.setCookie('kt_demo_panel_shown', 1, {expires: expires}); }); } } var _remind = function() { if (!(encodeURI(window.location.hostname) == 'keenthemes.com' || encodeURI(window.location.hostname) == 'www.keenthemes.com')) { return; } setTimeout(function() { if (!KTCookie.getCookie('kt_demo_panel_shown')) { var expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 15 * 60 * 1000); // expire in 15 minutes from now KTCookie.setCookie('kt_demo_panel_shown', 1, { expires: expires }); if (typeof _offcanvasObject !== 'undefined') { _offcanvasObject.show(); } } }, 4000); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); // Remind _remind(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutDemoPanel; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutExamples = function() { var initDefaultMode = function(element) { var elements = element; if (typeof elements === 'undefined') { elements = document.querySelectorAll('.example:not(.example-compact):not(.example-hover):not(.example-basic)'); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { var example = elements[i]; var copy = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-copy'); var clipboard = new ClipboardJS(copy, { target: function(trigger) { var example = trigger.closest('.example'); var el = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-code .tab-pane.active'); if (!el) { el = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-code'); } return el; } }); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { KTUtil.addClass(e.trigger, 'example-copied'); e.clearSelection(); setTimeout(function() { KTUtil.removeClass(e.trigger, 'example-copied'); }, 2000); }); } } var initCompactMode = function(element) { var example,code,toggle,copy, clipboard; var elements = element; if (typeof elements === 'undefined') { var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.example.example-compact'); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { var example = elements[i]; var toggle = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-toggle'); var copy = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-copy'); // Handle toggle KTUtil.addEvent(toggle, 'click', function() { var example = this.closest('.example'); var code = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-code'); var the = this; if (KTUtil.hasClass(this, 'example-toggled')) { KTUtil.slideUp(code, 300, function() { KTUtil.removeClass(the, 'example-toggled'); KTUtil.removeClass(code, 'example-code-on'); KTUtil.hide(code); }); } else { KTUtil.addClass(code, 'example-code-on'); KTUtil.addClass(this, 'example-toggled'); KTUtil.slideDown(code, 300, function() { KTUtil.show(code); }); } }); // Handle copy var clipboard = new ClipboardJS(copy, { target: function(trigger) { var example = trigger.closest('.example'); var el = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-code .tab-pane.active'); if (!el) { el = KTUtil.find(example, '.example-code'); } return el; } }); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { KTUtil.addClass(e.trigger, 'example-copied'); e.clearSelection(); setTimeout(function() { KTUtil.removeClass(e.trigger, 'example-copied'); }, 2000); }); } } return { init: function(element, options) { initDefaultMode(element); initCompactMode(element); } }; }(); // webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutExamples; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickActions = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_actions_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_actions_toggle' }); KTUtil.scrollInit(content, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickActions; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickCartPanel = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_cart_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_cart_toggle' }); var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); var wrapper = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-wrapper'); var footer = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-footer'); KTUtil.scrollInit(wrapper, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } if (wrapper) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(wrapper, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(wrapper, 'marginBottom')); } if (footer) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(footer)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(footer, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(footer, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickCartPanel; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickNotifications = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_notifications_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_notifications_toggle' }); KTUtil.scrollInit(content, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickNotifications; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickPanel = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; var _notificationsElement; var _logsElement; var _settingsElement; // Private functions var _getContentHeight = function() { var height; var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } var _init = function() { _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_panel_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_panel_toggle' }); } var _initNotifications = function() { KTUtil.scrollInit(_notificationsElement, { mobileNativeScroll: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { return _getContentHeight(); } }); } var _initLogs = function() { KTUtil.scrollInit(_logsElement, { mobileNativeScroll: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { return _getContentHeight(); } }); } var _initSettings = function() { KTUtil.scrollInit(_settingsElement, { mobileNativeScroll: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { return _getContentHeight(); } }); } var _updateScrollbars = function() { $(_element).find('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_notificationsElement); KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_logsElement); KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_settingsElement); }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); _notificationsElement = KTUtil.getById('kt_quick_panel_notifications'); _logsElement = KTUtil.getById('kt_quick_panel_logs'); _settingsElement = KTUtil.getById('kt_quick_panel_settings'); _init(); _initNotifications(); _initLogs(); _initSettings(); _updateScrollbars(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickPanel; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickSearch = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); var form = KTUtil.find(_element, '.quick-search-form'); var results = KTUtil.find(_element, '.quick-search-wrapper'); _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_search_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_search_toggle' }); KTUtil.scrollInit(results, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } if (results) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(form)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(form, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(form, 'marginBottom')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(results, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(results, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickSearch; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutQuickUser = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { var header = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-header'); var content = KTUtil.find(_element, '.offcanvas-content'); _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'offcanvas', placement: 'right', closeBy: 'kt_quick_user_close', toggleBy: 'kt_quick_user_toggle' }); KTUtil.scrollInit(content, { disableForMobile: true, resetHeightOnDestroy: true, handleWindowResize: true, height: function() { var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (header) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(header)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(header, 'marginBottom')); } if (content) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(content, 'marginBottom')); } height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - 2; return height; } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutQuickUser; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutScrolltop = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _object; // Private functions var _init = function() { _object = new KTScrolltop(_element, { offset: 300, speed: 600, }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutScrolltop; } "use strict"; // // Handle User Quick Search For Dropdown, Inline and Offcanvas Search Panels // var KTLayoutSearch = function() { // Private properties var _target; var _form; var _input; var _closeIcon; var _resultWrapper; var _resultDropdown; var _resultDropdownToggle; var _closeIconContainer; var _inputGroup; var _query = ''; var _hasResult = false; var _timeout = false; var _isProcessing = false; var _requestTimeout = 200; // ajax request fire timeout in milliseconds var _spinnerClass = 'spinner spinner-sm spinner-primary'; var _resultClass = 'quick-search-has-result'; var _minLength = 2; // Private functions var _showProgress = function() { _isProcessing = true; KTUtil.addClass(_closeIconContainer, _spinnerClass); if (_closeIcon) { KTUtil.hide(_closeIcon); } } var _hideProgress = function() { _isProcessing = false; KTUtil.removeClass(_closeIconContainer, _spinnerClass); if (_closeIcon) { if (_input.value.length < _minLength) { KTUtil.hide(_closeIcon); } else { KTUtil.show(_closeIcon, 'flex'); } } } var _showDropdown = function() { if (_resultDropdownToggle && !KTUtil.hasClass(_resultDropdown, 'show')) { $(_resultDropdownToggle).dropdown('toggle'); $(_resultDropdownToggle).dropdown('update'); } } var _hideDropdown = function() { if (_resultDropdownToggle && KTUtil.hasClass(_resultDropdown, 'show')) { $(_resultDropdownToggle).dropdown('toggle'); } } var _processSearch = function() { if (_hasResult && _query === _input.value) { _hideProgress(); KTUtil.addClass(_target, _resultClass); _showDropdown(); KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_resultWrapper); return; } _query = _input.value; KTUtil.removeClass(_target, _resultClass); _showProgress(); _hideDropdown(); setTimeout(function() { $.ajax({ url: HOST_URL + '/api/quick_search.php', data: { query: _query }, dataType: 'html', success: function(res) { _hasResult = true; _hideProgress(); KTUtil.addClass(_target, _resultClass); KTUtil.setHTML(_resultWrapper, res); _showDropdown(); KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_resultWrapper); }, error: function(res) { _hasResult = false; _hideProgress(); KTUtil.addClass(_target, _resultClass); KTUtil.setHTML(_resultWrapper, 'Connection error. Please try again later..'); _showDropdown(); KTUtil.scrollUpdate(_resultWrapper); } }); }, 1000); } var _handleCancel = function(e) { _input.value = ''; _query = ''; _hasResult = false; KTUtil.hide(_closeIcon); KTUtil.removeClass(_target, _resultClass); _hideDropdown(); } var _handleSearch = function() { if (_input.value.length < _minLength) { _hideProgress(); _hideDropdown(); return; } if (_isProcessing == true) { return; } if (_timeout) { clearTimeout(_timeout); } _timeout = setTimeout(function() { _processSearch(); }, _requestTimeout); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _target = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_target) { return; } _form = KTUtil.find(_target, '.quick-search-form'); _input = KTUtil.find(_target, '.form-control'); _closeIcon = KTUtil.find(_target, '.quick-search-close'); _resultWrapper = KTUtil.find(_target, '.quick-search-wrapper'); _resultDropdown = KTUtil.find(_target, '.dropdown-menu'); _resultDropdownToggle = KTUtil.find(_target, '[data-toggle="dropdown"]'); _inputGroup = KTUtil.find(_target, '.input-group'); _closeIconContainer = KTUtil.find(_target, '.input-group .input-group-append'); // Attach input keyup handler KTUtil.addEvent(_input, 'keyup', _handleSearch); KTUtil.addEvent(_input, 'focus', _handleSearch); // Prevent enter click _form.onkeypress = function(e) { var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode || 0; if (key == 13) { e.preventDefault(); } } KTUtil.addEvent(_closeIcon, 'click', _handleCancel); } }; }; // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutSearch; } var KTLayoutSearchInline = KTLayoutSearch; var KTLayoutSearchOffcanvas = KTLayoutSearch; "use strict"; var KTLayoutAsideMenu = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _menuObject; // Initialize var _init = function() { var menuDesktopMode = (KTUtil.attr(_element, 'data-menu-dropdown') === '1' ? 'dropdown' : 'accordion'); var scroll; if (KTUtil.attr(_element, 'data-menu-scroll') === '1') { scroll = { rememberPosition: true, // remember position on page reload height: function() { // calculate available scrollable area height var height = parseInt(KTUtil.getViewPort().height); if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg')) { height = height - KTLayoutBrand.getHeight(); } height = height - (parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'marginBottom')) + parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'marginTop'))); return height; } }; } _menuObject = new KTMenu(_element, { // Vertical scroll scroll: scroll, // Submenu setup submenu: { desktop: menuDesktopMode, tablet: 'accordion', // menu set to accordion in tablet mode mobile: 'accordion' // menu set to accordion in mobile mode }, // Accordion setup accordion: { expandAll: false // allow having multiple expanded accordions in the menu } }); // Disable menu click if aside is fixed and minimized _menuObject.on('submenuToggle', function(menu) { if (KTLayoutAside.isMinimized() === true && KTLayoutAside.isHoverable() === false) { return false; } }); // Close aside offcanvas panel before page reload On tablet and mobile _menuObject.on('linkClick', function(menu) { if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg')) { // Tablet and mobile mode KTLayoutAside.getOffcanvas().hide(); // Hide offcanvas after general link click } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize menu _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getMenu: function() { return _menuObject; }, pauseDropdownHover: function(time) { if (_menuObject) { _menuObject.pauseDropdownHover(time); } }, closeMobileOffcanvas: function() { if (_menuObject && KTUtil.isMobileDevice()) { _menuObject.hide(); } } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutAsideMenu; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutAsideToggle = function() { // Private properties var _body; var _element; var _toggleObject; // Initialize var _init = function() { _toggleObject = new KTToggle(_element, { target: _body, targetState: 'aside-minimize', toggleState: 'active' }); _toggleObject.on('toggle', function(toggle) { // Update sticky card if (typeof KTLayoutStickyCard !== 'undefined') { KTLayoutStickyCard.update(); } // Pause header menu dropdowns if (typeof KTLayoutHeaderMenu !== 'undefined') { KTLayoutHeaderMenu.pauseDropdownHover(800); } // Pause aside menu dropdowns if (typeof KTLayoutAsideMenu !== 'undefined') { KTLayoutAsideMenu.pauseDropdownHover(800); } // Remember state in cookie KTCookie.setCookie('kt_aside_toggle_state', toggle.getState()); // to set default minimized left aside use this cookie value in your // server side code and add "kt-primary--minimize aside-minimize" classes to // the body tag in order to initialize the minimized left aside mode during page loading. }); _toggleObject.on('beforeToggle', function(toggle) { if (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize') === false && KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hover')) { KTUtil.removeClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hover'); } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); _body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getToggle: function() { return _toggleObject; }, onToggle: function(handler) { if (typeof _toggleObject.element !== 'undefined') { _toggleObject.on('toggle', handler); } } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutAsideToggle; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutAside = function() { // Private properties var _body; var _element; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions // Initialize var _init = function() { var offcanvasClass = KTUtil.hasClass(_element, 'aside-offcanvas-default') ? 'aside-offcanvas-default' : 'aside'; // Initialize mobile aside offcanvas _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, { baseClass: offcanvasClass, overlay: true, closeBy: 'kt_aside_close_btn', toggleBy: { target: 'kt_aside_mobile_toggle', state: 'mobile-toggle-active' } }); // Handle Minimized Aside Hover if (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-fixed') && KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hoverable')) { var insideTm; var outsideTm; // Handle Aside Hover Mode KTUtil.addEvent(_element, 'mouseenter', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') === false) { return; } if (outsideTm) { clearTimeout(outsideTm); outsideTm = null; } insideTm = setTimeout(function() { if (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize') && KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg')) { KTUtil.removeClass(_body, 'aside-minimize'); // Hover class KTUtil.addClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hover'); KTLayoutAsideMenu.getMenu().scrollUpdate(); KTLayoutAsideMenu.getMenu().scrollTop(); } }, 50); }); KTUtil.addEvent(_element, 'mouseleave', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg') === false) { return; } if (insideTm) { clearTimeout(insideTm); insideTm = null; } outsideTm = setTimeout(function() { if (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hover') && KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg')) { KTUtil.removeClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hover'); KTUtil.addClass(_body, 'aside-minimize'); // Hover class KTLayoutAsideMenu.getMenu().scrollUpdate(); KTLayoutAsideMenu.getMenu().scrollTop(); } }, 100); }); } } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); _body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getOffcanvas: function() { return _offcanvasObject; }, isFixed: function() { return KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-fixed'); }, isMinimized: function() { return (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-fixed') && KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize')); }, isHoverable: function() { return (KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-fixed') && KTUtil.hasClass(_body, 'aside-minimize-hoverable')); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutAside; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutBrand = function() { // Private properties var _element; // Private functions var _getHeight = function() { var height = 0; if (_element) { height = KTUtil.actualHeight(_element); } return height; } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getHeight: function() { return _getHeight(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutBrand; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutContent = function() { // Private properties var _element; // Private functions var _getHeight = function() { var height; height = KTUtil.getViewPort().height; if (_element) { height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); } height = height - KTLayoutHeader.getHeight(); height = height - KTLayoutSubheader.getHeight(); height = height - KTLayoutFooter.getHeight(); return height; } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); }, getHeight: function() { return _getHeight(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutContent; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutFooter = function() { // Private properties var _element; // Private functions var _getHeight = function() { var height = 0; if (_element) { height = KTUtil.actualHeight(_element); } return height; } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); }, getHeight: function() { return _getHeight(); }, getElement: function() { return _element; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutFooter; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutHeaderMenu = function() { // Private properties var _menuElement; var _menuObject; var _offcanvasElement; var _offcanvasObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { _offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_offcanvasElement, { overlay: true, baseClass: 'header-menu-wrapper', closeBy: 'kt_header_menu_mobile_close_btn', toggleBy: { target: 'kt_header_mobile_toggle', state: 'mobile-toggle-active' } }); _menuObject = new KTMenu(_menuElement, { submenu: { desktop: 'dropdown', tablet: 'accordion', mobile: 'accordion' }, accordion: { slideSpeed: 200, // accordion toggle slide speed in milliseconds expandAll: false // allow having multiple expanded accordions in the menu } }); // Close aside offcanvas panel before page reload On tablet and mobile _menuObject.on('linkClick', function(menu) { if (KTUtil.isBreakpointDown('lg')) { // Tablet and mobile mode _offcanvasObject.hide(); // Hide offcanvas after general link click } }); } // Public methods return { init: function(menuId, offcanvasId) { _menuElement = KTUtil.getById(menuId); _offcanvasElement = KTUtil.getById(offcanvasId); if (!_menuElement) { return; } // Initialize menu _init(); }, getMenuElement: function() { return _menuElement; }, getOffcanvasElement: function() { return _offcanvasElement; }, getMenu: function() { return _menuObject; }, pauseDropdownHover: function(time) { if (_menuObject) { _menuObject.pauseDropdownHover(time); } }, getOffcanvas: function() { return _offcanvasObject; }, closeMobileOffcanvas: function() { if (_menuObject && KTUtil.isMobileDevice()) { _offcanvasObject.hide(); } } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutHeaderMenu; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutHeaderTopbar = function() { // Private properties var _toggleElement; var _toggleObject; // Private functions var _init = function() { _toggleObject = new KTToggle(_toggleElement, { target: KTUtil.getBody(), targetState: 'topbar-mobile-on', toggleState: 'active', }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _toggleElement = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_toggleElement) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, getToggleElement: function() { return _toggleElement; } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutHeaderTopbar; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutHeader = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _elementForMobile; var _object; // Private functions // Get Height var _getHeight = function() { var height = 0; if (_element) { height = KTUtil.actualHeight(_element) + 1; } return height; } // Get Height var _getHeightForMobile = function() { var height; height = KTUtil.actualHeight(_elementForMobile); return height; } // Public Methods return { init: function(id, idForMobile) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); _elementForMobile = KTUtil.getById(idForMobile); if (!_element) { return; } }, isFixed: function() { return KTUtil.hasClass(KTUtil.getBody(), 'header-fixed') }, isFixedForMobile: function() { return KTUtil.hasClass(KTUtil.getBody(), 'header-mobile-fixed') }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getElementForMobile: function() { return _elementForMobile; }, getHeader: function() { return _object; }, getHeight: function() { return _getHeight(); }, getHeightForMobile: function() { return _getHeightForMobile(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutHeader; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutStickyCard = function() { // Private properties var _element; var _object; // Private functions var _init = function() { var offset = 300; if (typeof KTLayoutHeader !== 'undefined') { offset = KTLayoutHeader.getHeight(); } _object = new KTCard(_element, { sticky: { offset: offset, zIndex: 90, position: { top: function() { var pos = 0; var body = KTUtil.getBody(); if (KTUtil.isBreakpointUp('lg')) { if (typeof KTLayoutHeader !== 'undefined' && KTLayoutHeader.isFixed()) { pos = pos + KTLayoutHeader.getHeight(); } if (typeof KTLayoutSubheader !== 'undefined' && KTLayoutSubheader.isFixed()) { pos = pos + KTLayoutSubheader.getHeight(); } } else { if (typeof KTLayoutHeader !== 'undefined' && KTLayoutHeader.isFixedForMobile()) { pos = pos + KTLayoutHeader.getHeightForMobile(); } } pos = pos - 1; // remove header border width return pos; }, left: function(card) { return KTUtil.offset(_element).left; }, right: function(card) { var body = KTUtil.getBody(); var cardWidth = parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'width')); var bodyWidth = parseInt(KTUtil.css(body, 'width')); var cardOffsetLeft = KTUtil.offset(_element).left; return bodyWidth - cardWidth - cardOffsetLeft; } } } }); _object.initSticky(); KTUtil.addResizeHandler(function() { _object.updateSticky(); }); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); }, update: function() { if (_object) { _object.updateSticky(); } } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutStickyCard; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutStretchedCard = function() { // Private properties var _element; // Private functions var _init = function() { var scroll = KTUtil.find(_element, '.card-scroll'); var cardBody = KTUtil.find(_element, '.card-body'); var cardHeader = KTUtil.find(_element, '.card-header'); var height = KTLayoutContent.getHeight(); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.actualHeight(cardHeader)); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'marginTop')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'marginBottom')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingTop')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(_element, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBody, 'paddingTop')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBody, 'paddingBottom')); height = height - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBody, 'marginTop')) - parseInt(KTUtil.css(cardBody, 'marginBottom')); height = height - 3; KTUtil.css(scroll, 'height', height + 'px'); } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } // Initialize _init(); // Re-calculate on window resize KTUtil.addResizeHandler(function() { _init(); }); }, update: function() { _init(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutStretchedCard; } "use strict"; var KTLayoutSubheader = function() { // Private properties var _element; // Private functions var _getHeight = function() { var height = 0; if (_element) { height = KTUtil.actualHeight(_element); } return height; } // Public methods return { init: function(id) { _element = KTUtil.getById(id); if (!_element) { return; } }, isFixed: function() { return KTUtil.hasClass(KTUtil.getBody(), 'subheader-fixed'); }, getElement: function() { return _element; }, getHeight: function() { return _getHeight(); } }; }(); // Webpack support if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = KTLayoutSubheader; }